Ward Family History Project:

Let us help you help your loved ones………

Our Goal:  To help everyone in the ward (one-on-one personal step-by-step help) get their Genealogy done and on their own home computers----in order to gain “peace of mind” and other promised blessings.

1. We can help you get started during S.S. hour, Wed. mornings from 10-noon, or evenings by appt.  We will help put all your family information together (from the main church computer and from your own records)        then…..

2.    You can download the latest PAF (personal ancestral file) program FREE from www.familysearch.org
Or we can lend you a CD to use to install it……Or we can even come to your home and install it for you and load your genealogy on it.  

3. We will help you check what temple work has already been done, find many missing ordinance dates, and find out if there is temple work that can be done.  Then we will prepare the names for you to do, or your relatives, or for our ward family—whichever you choose.

4. We now have internet access in our Stake Family Search room.  In order to access the most up-to-date temple records over the internet (to avoid duplicating work that has already been done), you will need to get your membership number and your confirmation date.   You can get these from our ward  Membership clerk, Brother Reid.  One per family will do.  They need to be put into the computer only once.    You will need to choose a Username and Password to use the Church Family History site.  You  will need to remember and type them in every time.  We can help you register them if you would like.