Family History Talks and Quotes:

General Conference Talks on Family History:

Additional Family History Talks, Devotionals, Articles:

Articles on writing histories and keeping journals:

New Era Articles on Family History:

Friend Magazine Articles and Activities on Family History:

Ensign Articles on Family History (not conference issues):

Family History Moments (link to Church News):

Family History Firesides  (link to BYU Center for Family History and Genealogy):

Download Elder Gary J. Coleman's remarks and presentation

Family History Mormon Ads in New Era:


Family History Quotes - 1:

Family History Quotes - 2:

Quotes on keeping histories and journals:

Quotes for a year--that could be printed in your Sunday Ward Bulletin:

Quotes about Technology and the Church:

Quotes about the importance of accuracy in your records:

Quotes about the importance of doing work for your own family: