"By virtue of the sacred priesthood in me vested,...I
promise you that, with increased attendance in the
temples of our God, you shall receive increased personal revelation to
bless your life as you
bless those who have died."
President Ezra Taft Benson - CR, April 1987, p. 108
"I promise you that all who faithfully attend to temple work will be blessed beyond measure. Your families will draw closer to the Lord, unseen angels will watch over your loved ones when Satanic forces tempt them, the veil will be thin and great spiritual experiences will distill upon this people."
Lord's Promise To You What you must do Reference You shall receive increased personal revelation to bless your life as you bless those who have died.
Increased Temple attendance President Ezra Taft Benson
April 1987 General Conference1. You will be blessed beyond measure.
2. Your families will draw closer to the Lord.
3. Unseen angels will watch over your loved ones when Satanic forces tempt them.
4. The veil will be thin and great spiritual experiences will distill upon this people.
Faithfully attend to Temple Work Vaughn J. Featherstone
Mount Vernon Washington
Stake Conference - June 1985
1. Pure intelligence will be poured into our mind, a pouring in of intelligence and learning.
2. Cleansing and clarifying.
3. "See" things we were not able to see before and find a way through our troubles that we had not previously known.
Attend the temple Boyd K. Packer's book: The Holy Temple. ...we will be a better people, we will be better fathers and husbands, we will be better wives and mothers. I make you a promise that if you will go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed, life will be better for you.
Attend the temple (fireside, Lima, Peru, 9 Nov. 1996) Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley
"Ensign," July 1997, 73“Temple attendance has a calming, settling, consoling influence that distills peace and contentment.
“The accompanying family history work to identify ancestors to receive those ordinances yields similar blessings."
Temple Attendance
Family History Work
Richard G. Scott
BYU Education Week,
19 August 1997“No work is more of a protection to this Church than temple work and the genealogical research which supports it. No work is more spiritually refining. No work we do gives us more power. No work requires a higher standard of righteousness.
Our labors in the temple cover us with a shield and a protection, both individually and as a people.”
Temple Work
Genealogical Research
Elder Boyd K. Packer
(From his Book: The Holy Temple, p. 265)"When you attend the temple and perform the ordinances that pertain to the house of the Lord, certain blessings will come to you: You will receive the spirit of Elijah, which will turn your hearts to your spouse, to your children, and to your forebears. You will love your family with a deeper love than you have loved before. You will be endowed with power from on high as the Lord has promised."
Attend the Temple
Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 254"I promise you the Lord will bless you in your efforts, for this is His work, and He will guide your prayerful efforts to bring the ordinances and covenants to your ancestors."
...you can make a powerful contribution. Begin now. I promise you that the Lord will help you find a way. And it will make you feel wonderful."
Temple Work
Family History Work
"...we may receive a glorious welcome from those whose eyes are turned toward us, who will be full of blessings upon our heads. If you want to have a glorious...life, to robe immortality about you, and to lie down to sweet rest with a hope, with joy in your heart, do something for your kindred dead, and I promise you that you will take the sting of death out of your hearts. You will fill the ...days of your life with joy and happiness, and you will be building for your eternal joy and happiness."
Do something for your
kindred dead.
Sermons and Missionary Services of Melvin J. Ballard (by Bryant S. Hinckley)
"You'll leave the temple better than you arrived. I promise." Attend the Temple
President Gordon B. Hinckley
St. George Regional Conference, Nov. 14, 2002 (Deseret News excerpt)"...But something will happen to you when you do that (Temple work). I make you a promise that every time you go to the temple, you will leave a better man or woman than you were when you went inside the doors of the temple." Do Temple work for someone
President Gordon B. Hinckley - From regional conference, St. George, Utah, Nov. 24, 2002
(Church News - July 2, 2005)