(This personal experience was shared by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin at Gen. Conf. Oct. 4, 1997):

        When I was a young man, I was on my way to a session of general conference when someone took my elbow.  It was President David O. McKay.  "Come with me, Joseph,"  President McKay said.  "I'll help you find a good seat."
        For those few moments as we walked toward the Tabernacle, President McKay seemed to focus his entire attention on me.  He spoke reverently of his love for the Lord and his love for the members of the Church.  He looked me straight in the eye as he firmly shared his testimony with me.
         "I want you to know, Joseph,"  he said,  "that the President of the Lord's Church does receive inspiration and revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ."
         At that moment, the Spirit whispered to my heart that President David O. McKay was telling me the truth.  I knew then that he was truly a prophet of God.  That testimony has remained with me throughout my life, filling me with reverence and respect for the office our prophet holds.
         I felt his love and was enriched by his humble act of kindness during those few minutes together.  I don't think that I was ever quite the same after that.