Quotes about Modern Discoveries:
     "I maintain that had there been no restoration of the gospel, and no organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there would have been no radio; there would have been no airplane, and there would not have been the wonderful discoveries in medicine, chemistry, electricity, and the many other things wherein the world has been benefited by such discoveries.  Under such conditions these blessings would have been withheld, for they belong to the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times of which the restoration of the gospel and the organization of the Church constitute the central point, from which radiates the Spirit of the Lord throughout the world.  The inspiration of the Lord has gone out and takes hold of the minds of men, though they know it not, and they are directed by the Lord.  In this manner he brings them into his service that his purposes and his righteousness, in due time, may be supreme on the earth.

        "Now let me say briefly that I do not believe for one moment that these discoveries have come by chance, or that they have come because of superior intelligence possessed by men today over those who lived in ages that are past.  They have come and are coming because the time is ripe, because the Lord has willed it, and because he has poured out his Spirit on all flesh."

(Joseph Fielding Smith, Conference Report, October 1926, pp. 116-117)

        "... Satan, of course, is aware of this great progress in technology and likewise takes advantage of it for his purposes, which are to destroy and despoil.  He delights in the pornography on the Internet and the sleaze in many of our movies and television shows.  He has even engineered some of his own satanic messages into some of our modern music.  For the seeds of faith to sprout in our lives, we must avoid Satan's grasp."

James E. Faust  -  "Of Seeds and Soils"  -  "Ensign," Nov. 1999, 47-48