"The greatest missionary tool we have is that of demonstrating friendliness, brotherly kindness, harmony, love and peace in our homes and in all our church meetings."
                             Theodore M. Burton,  CR 10/74:77

        "Every member of our Church is a missionary.  Without the formality of a setting-apart we should be so set-apart from the ways of the world that we can teach the gospel, which is our Father's way of life, by the very lives we live."

William J. Critchlow, Jr.,  CR 10/60:28

"There isn't anything else more important than taking the gospel to the world."

Spencer W. Kimball,  Area Conference Report (England) Aug. 1971, p. 22

"The best means of preaching the gospel is by personal contact."

David O. McKay,  CR 10/69:86

"The service of bringing light to a troubled world must never end."

L. Tom Perry,  CR 10/73:61

"We just could not have the Church of Jesus Christ without the spirit of missionary work."

LeGrand Richards,  CR Oct. 1954, p. 57

"God has given a new revelation of himself in modern times and we are the custodians of the message."

Mark E. Petersen,  CR  April, 1972, p. 18

"Every man holding the priesthood of this Church, who is magnifying his calling before God, is preaching the gospel."

David A. Smith,  CR  10/21:58

"The greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel."

Joseph Smith,  History of the Church 2:478

        "There is nothing so important, so imperative, as the delivery of the divine message that has been entrusted to us."

Orson F. Whitney,  CR 4/15:98

     "Have you taught a Sunday School class and felt when you finished that you had really taught someone some principle of the gospel that had really helped him or given him a brighter look on life?  Remember the feeling of peace and joy that followed?  Have you ever taught someone the gospel and received that feeling of joy because he had accepted what you had been teaching?  The thrill of missionary work!"

—Elder Eldred G. Smith, Peace, General Conference, April 1972-

        "As disciples of Christ, we need to feel genuine charity for one another.  As we do, new light will come into our own lives.  This charity is essential in missionary work, but we must never allow ourselves to treat our neighbors only as potential converts.  We have had the sad experience of seeing members of the Church who attempted to convert their neighbors and friends and, when they did not respond, withdrew their friendship and neighborliness.  We must not be so anxious to share the gospel that we become insensitive to the feelings of others."

—Elder M. Russell Ballard, The Hand Of Fellowship, General Conference, October 1988


      "As members of the Lord's Church, we must take missionary work more seriously.  The Lord's commission to 'preach the gospel to every creature' (Mark 16:15) will never change in our dispensation.  We have been greatly blessed with the material means, the technology, and an inspired message to bring the gospel to all men.  More is expected of us than any previous generation.  Where 'much is given much is required.' (D&C 82:3.)"

—President Ezra Taft Benson, Our Responsibility to Share the Gospel, General Conference, April 1985

           "The great need today in missionary work is to have all the members, every member--those who bear His name, those who have had a witness--pull aside the curtains of fear and reach out in love to our friends and relatives and neighbors and let them know that we really care about them and warm them with our love, that they may know that we really do care for them as our brothers and sisters, that they too might enjoy these great blessings."

—Elder Rex C. Reeve, Sr., "Feed My Sheep", General Conference, October 1980

      "Life is an 'open-book' exam, but the problem is that most of the students don't have the 'book', or refuse to open it—a fact that ought to spur us on as Church members to share the gospel more widely so that life would be meaningful for more people."

Neal A. Maxwell
"For The Power Is In Them", p. 19

        "Oh, what a favored people we are to have this light, this knowledge, these opportunities for happiness on earth and throughout the eternities.  May we commit to share a knowledge of this magnificent work, personally or through missionaries, with our friends and neighbors that they may join this kingdom of God on earth, and receive the consummate, eternal blessings available to them."

Richard G. Scott - October 1999 General Conference  -  "He Lives"

        "Now, I think our prophet today is telling all of us, in this day and time, to go and bring in those people who are out on the plains. Each worthy young man should go on a mission. And each one of us, though we may not be called to active missionary service, can be on a mission and be involved in a cause that is greater than we are, the greatest cause of all in the world: the salvation of each of our Father’s children."

James E. Faust
"Go Bring Them In from the Plains,"
Ensign, July 1997, p. 7

 "Why every member a missionary?  Because that is what the Lord has asked us to do."

Elder Richard G. Scott  -  Ensign, Nov. 1997, 37