Additional Resource Material:

       Making Your Home A Missionary Training Center   -   book by Joe J. Christensen  (Chapters on developing spirituality, social skills, nutrition, manners, exercise--start when your children are
young to develop all of these good and necessary qualities and skills).

      To Grow in Spirit  -  book by Joe J. Christensen.

      Books by Randy Bott:  Serve with Honor, Return with Honor, and one on preparing for a mission.

      Raising up a Family to the Lord,  book by Gene R. Cook.  (Also on audiocassette)

      "Missionary Work Begins at Home"  -  S. Dilworth Young,  June 1975 Ensign

      "Missions--Only You Can Decide" - Devin G. Durrant, Gen. Conf. (Priesthood Session) April 7, 1984

      "Prepare Now For Your Mission",  Gen. Conf. address by Thomas J. Fyans, given April 1977

      "Faithful Laborers",  Loren C. Dunn,  April Gen. Conf. 1975 (stories of sacrifice of early missionaries)

       "Preparing the Greatest Generation of Missionaries: A Mission for Every Woman"  Anne Pingree, 2003 BYU Women's Conf. (need Acrobat)

       "Raising the Greatest Generation of Missionaries"  M. Russell Ballard - 2003 BYU Women's Conf. link (need Acrobat Reader)

      "Setting Goals and Progressing",  Spencer W. Kimball,  Gen. Conf.,  April 1985

     "Running Your Marathon",  Joseph B. Wirthlin,  Gen. Conf. October 1989

     "Bless Our Missonaries in the Field and Lead Them to the Honest in Heart",  pp. 218-224, book:
       Glimpses into the life and heart of Marjorie Pay Hinckley   (1999).

     "What I Wish I'd Known Before My Mission" -  Audiocassettes or Book by John Bytheway.

     "The Question of a Mission" -  Gordon B. Hinckley, Gen. Conf.,  April 1986

     Haight David B.  -  "The Responsibility of Young Aaronic Priesthood Bearers", April 1981 Gen. Conf.

    "The Power of Correct Principles"  -  Richard G. Scott  - General Conference, April 1993

    "And That's the Way It Is"  -   Bishop H. David Burton  -  April 2003 Gen. Conf.,  (Raising of the Bar)