Haight David B.  -  excerpt from:  The Responsibility of Young Aaronic Priesthood Bearers, April 1981 Gen. Conf.


     Scott Hall is an unusual young man. His father, Garth, is an assistant coach for the Brigham Young University football team.

     Recently Scott asked his mother for a white shirt.

     "But you have all of these other beautiful colored shirts. Why do you want a white shirt?" asked his mother.

     "I just have to have a white shirt," he said.

     "But why?" his mother asked.

     Scott replied, "I can't be a missionary without a white shirt."

     Scott is two years old.

     The story of the expansion of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world not only is a miracle but is "as the stone . . . cut out of the mountain without hands [that] shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth." (See D&C 65:2.)

      Recently a California family, driving through St. George, Utah, on vacation, was attracted by the unusual architecture of the St. George Temple. They walked around the building, admiring its beauty.

      Having a little time to spare, the parents entered the information center; their two young children crossed the street to sit under the shade of a tree near our meetinghouse.

      A teacher, calling the children in to Primary and seeing the two young visitors, said, "Come on in to Primary." They went in.

      The parents, now finished at the information center, started looking for the children. After searching for nearly an hour, they saw them come out of the chapel.

      The father said, "We've been looking all over for you. Where have you been?"

      They replied, "We've been to Primary."

      "Primary! What's Primary?"

      "Primary is where you learn about Jesus; and, besides, Daddy, you shouldn't be smoking!" Their father just about swallowed his cigar.

      He remarked, "Let's get on our way. We're way behind schedule."

      The children said, "We can't go."

      "Can't go! Why not?"

      "We are in a play."

      "A play?" he asked.

      "Yes," they replied, "and the play isn't until next week, and we have to stay all week for rehearsals."

      The family stayed in St. George for a week!

      The children rehearsed; the parents were taught the gospel; and the whole family was baptized.

      The truth of our message--the impact of its spiritual influence upon hearts previously prepared--is the greatest influence for good in the world.

      Senior Classman Kevin Scott was assigned to preside over a dining table of ten freshmen midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy. Seniors at the Naval Academy at Annapolis assist in training new midshipmen not only in tactics, but also in courtesy and discipline.

      During the dinner Senior Scott requested that each midshipman give his full name, his hometown, and his state.

      One of the freshmen answered, "Midshipman Ernest Ward Sax, sir, from Salt Lake City, Utah."

      Senior Scott said, "Are you a Mormon?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "Does that mean you do not smoke or drink liquor or coffee?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "Do you have a copy of the Book of Mormon?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "Have you read it?" was the next question.

      "Yes, sir"

      "Will you loan it to me?" requested Scott.

      "Yes, sir."

      An unusual but friendly relationship developed, with an exchange of books and pamphlets between young Midshipman Sax of Salt Lake City and Senior Classman Scott of North Carolina.

      Annapolis graduate Kevin Scott is now a Marine lieutenant in flight training in Florida. Newly baptized Kevin Scott is the ward mission leader, the "spark plug" of the ward missionary effort. He is now testifying to others about the restoration of the gospel and enthusiastically encouraging our members to spread the message.

      Midshipman Ward Sax, now in his second year at Annapolis, is the son of a caring Mormon family, a young man who honored his priesthood responsibility.