Quotes relevant to Missionary Service  -  8

James E. Faust, Christmas Fireside Address, Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah, Dec. 24, 1992:

        "Many of you (missionaries) are going to the poor of the earth.  You will live among them.  You will eat their food.  You will learn to love them.  Please don't judge them by our measurements of success.  That is, materialism.  You will find that they will take their humble provender out of their own mouths, and out of the mouths of their children, to give it to you.  Always be grateful and appreciative for whatever they have to offer.  Don't be critical of their customs and their country.  Please judge them by what is in their hearts rather than by what they own."


“Educating the heart is the critical complement to educating the mind.”

Stephen R. Covey  -  Book:  First Things First, p. 180


        “There is not a home from which missionaries come that will not be enriched and blessed because of their service in the cause of the Lord.  What a wonderful thing this great program is.  How grateful every father and mother ought to be who has a missionary in the field.  What a wonderful service it is.”

Gordon B. Hinckley

        "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."

Dale Carnegie

        "It is my conviction that the world needs, as it needs no other thing, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the people of the world want what the gospel will give, but they do not realize it.  They want the anchor which the gospel provides, which gives them the answers to the problems that face them; which brings them a feeling of security and a feeling of inner peace.  The gospel is the only answer to the problems of the world.  We may cry peace.  We may hold peace conferences.  And I have nothing but commendation for those who work for peace.  But it is my conviction that peace must come from within.  It cannot be imposed by state mandate.  It can come only by following the teachings and the example of the Prince of Peace."

(Ezra Taft Benson, Title of Liberty, pp. 213-14; see Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson,  p.705)

        "We need not look beyond our own hearts to experience the sweet spiritual feelings promised to those who obey God.  That is why a new member in the most humble conditions can experience the gospel as deeply as a lifetime member who was raised in the shadow of Church headquarters."

M. Russell Ballard,  Ensign, May 1990 (April Conference) page 6

        "Be smart in your appearance, in your deportment, in your manners... I am suggesting that you be clean and neat in your appearance, that you be gentle in your speech, that you be courteous and respectful in your manner... whether you think it or not you will reflect good or ill on the church by reason of your behavior."

(Gordon B. Hinckley, General COnference, October, 1981)
"To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done."

Richard G. Scott


        "You missionaries, you are part of this responsibility of binding your converts to the Church.  You may not be able to continue to visit them.  But you can write them occasionally and give them encouragement.  When you go home do not forget them.  At all times live worthy of their trust.  Write to them occasionally assuring them of your love."

President Gordon B. Hinckley — From missionary satellite broadcast, "Find the Lambs, Feed the Sheep," Feb. 21, 1999

         "It takes courage to realize that you are greater than your moods, greater than your thoughts, and that you can control your moods and thoughts."

Stephen R. Covey  -  Book:  First Things First, p. 178

        "Peace and good tidings; good tidings and peace.  These are among the ultimate blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings a troubled world and the troubled people who live in it, solutions to personal struggles and human sinfulness, a source of strength for days of weariness and hours of genuine despair."

Jeffrey R. Holland  -  October 1996 General Conference "The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom
"You cannot light a fire in another soul unless it is burning in your own soul."

Harold B. Lee, "Stand Ye in Holy Places," Ensign, July 1973, 121


        "It is my hope and my belief that the Lord never permits the light of faith wholly to be extinguished in any human heart, however faint the light may glow.  The Lord has provided that there shall still be there a spark which, with teaching, with the spirit of righteousness, with love, with tenderness, with example, with living the Gospel, shall brighten and glow again, however darkened the mind may have been.  And if we shall fail so to reach those among us of our own whose faith has dwindled low, we shall fail in one of the main things which the Lord expects at our hands."

(J. Reuben Clark, Conference Report, Oct. 1936, p. 114)
“Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson
