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          President Gordon B. Hinckley  -  (Excerpts from Gen. Conf. Address, Sat., Sept. 30, 1995):

Prepare to Serve a Mission:

        "I throw out a challenge to every young man within this vast congregation tonight.  Prepare yourself now to be worthy to serve the Lord as a full-time missionary.  He has said, 'If ye are prepared ye shall not fear'  (D&C 38:30).  Prepare to consecrate two years of your lives to this sacred service.  That will in effect constitute a tithe on the first twenty years of your lives.  Think of all that you have that is good--life itself, health, strength, food to eat and clothing to wear, parents, brothers and sisters, and friends.  All are gifts from the Lord."

Blessings of Missionary Service:

        "Of course your time is precious, and you may feel you cannot afford two years.  But I promise you that the time you spend in the mission field, if those years are spent in dedicated service, will yield a greater return on investment than any other two years of your lives.  You will come to know what dedication and consecration mean.  You will develop powers of persuasion which will bless your entire life.  Your timidity, your fears, your shyness will gradually disappear as you go forth with boldness and conviction.  You will learn to work with others, to develop a spirit of teamwork.  The cankering evil of selfishness will be supplanted by a sense of service to others.  You will draw nearer to the Lord than you likely will in any other set of circumstances.  You will come to know that without His help you are indeed weak and simple--but that with His help you can accomplish miracles.

    "You will establish habits of industry.  You will develop a talent for the establishment of goals of effort.  You will learn to work with singleness of purpose.  What a tremendous foundation all of this will become for you in your later educational efforts and your life's work.  Two years will not be time lost.  It will be skills gained.

        "You will bless the lives of those you reach and their posterity after them.  You will bless your own life.  You will bless the lives of your family, who will sustain you and pray for you.

        "And above and beyond all of this will come that sweet peace in your heart that you have served your Lord faithfully and well.  Your service will become an expression of gratitude to your Heavenly Father.

        "You will come to know your Redeemer as your greatest friend in time or eternity.  You will realize that through His atoning sacrifice He has opened the way for eternal life and an exaltation above and beyond your greatest dreams.

        "If you serve a mission faithfully and well, you will be a better husband, you will be a better father, you will be a better student, a better worker in your chosen vocation.  Love is of the essence of this missionary work.  Selflessness is of its very nature.  Self-discipline is its requirement.  Prayer opens its reservoir of power.

        "And so, my dear young brethren, resolve within your hearts today to include in the program of your lives service in the harvest field of the Lord as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."
