July 15th 

Friday, July 15, 2005 “ Carthage, etc.”


"Well, tonight we have internet access – Yeah! -- so I can fill you in.


Wednesday we blew into the Nauvoo area. Visited Ft. Madison first though, which is a War of 1812 fort that did not see action directly against the British but did see lots of action against their minions – the Sauk, Fox, and Winnebago. The Winnebago were the worst because they could drive their big motor homes right up to the fort and shoot from inside ;-) Kidding aside, this was the outermost outpost of the U.S. in 1812 or so and was not a good place to be – most soldiers were sent there as a punishment (outer Siberia ) and many died.


We did lots more things in Nauvoo and Barb and I attended the pageant both nights – getting closer seats the 2nd night. The boys undertook a ‘service project’ of moving trapped frogs and toads from the old drainage ditch of Nauvoo, under the stone arch at the south of town, to the Mississippi.  The project saved some but was abandoned as they encountered many spiders as they moved upstream – NICK does not like spiders. ;-) It makes him yelp little girly screams ;-)


Frog and Toad loving Trolls?, and the Mississippi near the Arch.



Today was Carthage Jail, Adam-on-di-Ahman, Far West , Hauns Mill, and Liberty Jail. We are skipping Independence because the visitor center is not open and without that there is not much reason to go there. Barb drug us to yet another Amish area – Jamesport. We ate at an all you can eat Mennonite place – yes we gorged ourselves. We ate at an all you can eat Amish place in Pennsylvania Dutch country earlier in the trip. All this reminds me of that scene in ‘Witness’ where the old Amish guy says at breakfast, ‘Eat up Mr. Books’. BTW, Hauns mill was way back in the dirt and gravel back roads and we got the Expedition pretty dusty and dirty . . . but we found it . . . just was we headed back out on a dirt road, a Winnebago showed up – boy those Indians really get around ;-)


Tomorrow we will stand at Winters Quarters and Omaha and look across the prairie towards Utah – the same the pioneers crossed. Then we’ll take the interstate ;-) (Chickens!)




Barb, Steve, Nickapopulanous, and Jamicus


Hauns Mill road and the bridge over the river there (no one knows the exact location of the mill), Adam-on-di-Ahman, Liberty Jail, and the temple site at Far West.


 NEXT:  On to the next message of the trip . . .  

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