July 16th 

Saturday, July 16, 2005 “A Map of our journey”


"Attached is a map of our travels so that you can get a better idea of the 'lazy 8' we've carved across the nation . . . ruining many a neighborhood and backwater in its path. Hope to pass through Omaha today and stop at Ogalla as a midpoint in our 'mad dash' across the prairies to home.


P.S. Have ice cream waiting! :-) "


You've already seen the map . . .  so, instead, below are some pictures of other places we visited along the way.  Top, The World Trade Center site in New York City.  Just below left, Washington Crossing the Delaware site on July 4th; right, Cattle Rustlers in Nauvoo?.  Further down,  Ellis Island and the The Registry Hall (the exact spot some of Barb's ancestors stood as they entered the United States long ago).  Bottom, two views from the Washington Monument (The first towards the Capital, the second towards the Reflecting Pool, World War II Memorial and in the distance, the Lincoln Memorial), and finally, Times Square in New York City. 


 NEXT:  On to the last message of the trip . . .  

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