1 July 1945 (pg 676) - (The final assault: VJ - 33 days)
(Mission 240) One hundred fifty-two B-29's dispatched from the 58th BW, attack the Kure urban area destroying 1.3 square miles or 40% of the city; 2 B-29's attack alternate targets. (Mission 241) One hundred fifty-four B-29's dispatched from the 73rd BW, hit the Kumamoto urban area destroying 1 square mile or 20% of the city; 1 B-29 hit's an alternate target. One B-29 is lost. (Mission 242) One hundred B-29's dispatched from the 313th BW, bomb the Ube urban area destroying .42 square miles or 23% of the city. (Mission 243) One hundred twenty-six B-29's dispatched from the 314th BW attack the Shimonoseki urban area destroying .51 square miles or 36% of the city; 5 B-29's hit alternate targets. One B-29 is lost. (Mission 244) Twenty-four 505th BG B-29's mine Shimonoseki Strait and the waters at Nanao and Fushiki.
2 July 1945 (pg 677) JAPAN During the night of 2-3 Jul, 39 315th BW B-29's bomb the Maruzen Oil Refinery at Minoshima; one B-29 bombs an alternate target. 3 July 1945 (pg 678) INDIA The first of three air echelons of the XX BC including BGen Joseph Smith, Commanding General, sets sail from India for Okinawa; the rest of the command sails in 2 groups on 12 July and 4 August, leaving only a few small detachments in the India-Burma area. JAPAN During the night of 3-4 Jul, 1 mining and 4 incendiary missions are flown. Three B-29's are lost: (Mission 246) Twenty-six 505th BG B-29's mine Shimonoseki Strait and waters around Funakawa and Maizuru during the predawn hours of the 4th; two B-29's mine alternate targets. (Mission 247) One hundred sixteen B-29's dispatched from the 58th BW attack the Takamatsu urban area destroying 1.4 square miles or 78% of the city; 3 B-29's attack alternate targets. Two B-29's are lost. (Mission 248) One hundred twenty-five 73rd BW B-29's hit the Kochi urban area destroying .92 square miles or 48% of the city. One B-29 is lost. (Mission 249) One hundred six B-29's dispatched from the 313th BW attack the Himeji urban area destroying 1.2 square miles or 63.3% of the city. (Mission 250) One hundred twenty-nine 314th BW B-29's hit the Tokushima urban area destroying 1.7 square miles or 74% of the city; 2 B-29's attack alternate targets.
4 July 1945 (pg 678) No actions reported. 5 July 1945 (pg 679) No actions reported. 6 July 1945 (pg 679) JAPAN Taking off during the late evening hours of 6 Jul, 517 B-29's make four incendiary and 1 HE attacks between 0700 and 0800 hours local on 7 Jul. One B-29 is lost: (Mission 251) One hundred twenty-four 58th BW B-29's attack the Chiba urban area destroying .86 square miles or 43.4% of the city; one B-29 hits an alternate target. (Mission 252) One hundred twenty-three 73rd BW B-29's hit the Akashi urban area destroying .81 square miles or 57% of the city; one B-29 hits an alternate target. (Mission 253) One hundred thirty-three B-29's dispatched from the 313th BW attack the Shimizu urban area destroying .71 square miles or 50% of the city. One B-29 is lost. (Mission 254) One hundred thirty-one B-29's dispatched from the 314th BW hit the Kofu urban area destroying 1.3 square miles or 65% of the city; one B-29 attacks an alternate target. (Mission 255) Fifty-nine B-29's dispatched from the 315th BW drop 500lb on the Maruzen Oil Refinery at Wakayama; one B-29 hits an alternate target.
7 July 1945 (pg 679) MARIANAS HQ XX BC arrives at Sakugawa Okinawa from India. 8 July 1945 (pg 680) No Action Reported.
9 July 1945 (pg 680) JAPAN During the night of 9-10 Jul, 1 mining, 1 HE and 4 incendiary missions are flown against Japan. (Mission 256) Twenty-nine 6th BG B-29's mine Shimonoseki Strait and the waters at Niigata and Nanao; one B-29 mines an alternate target. One B-29 is lost. (Mission 257) One hundred twenty-three B-29's dispatched from the 58th BW attack the Sendai urban area destroying 1.2 square miles or 27% of the city; one B-29 hits an alternate target. One B-29 is lost. (Mission 258) One hundred fifteen B-29's dispatched from the 73rd BW attack the Sakai urban area destroying 1.02 square miles or 44% of the city; three B-29's attack alternate targets. (Mission 259) One hundred and eight B-29's dispatched from the 313th BW attack the Wakayama urban area destroying 2.1 square miles or 52.5% of the city. (Mission 260) One hundred twenty-nine B-29's dispatched from the 314th BW attack the Gifu urban area destroying 1.93 square miles or 73% of the city. One B-29 is lost. (Mission 261) Sixty-one B-29's dispatched from the 315th BW attack the Utsube Oil Refinery at Yokkaichi with poor results; one B-29 hits an alternate target.
10 July 1945 (pg 681) No actions reported. 11 July 1945 (pg 681) JAPAN (Mission 262) During the night of 11-12 Jul, twenty-five B-29's dispatched from the 6th BG mine Shimonoseki Strait and waters around Miyazu, Obama Island and, in the first B-29 mission to Korea, 2 mine Pusan and Najin. 12 July 1945 (pg 682) JAPAN During the night of 12-13 Jul, 1 Bombing and 4 incendiary missions are flown. Three B-29's are lost. (Mission 263) One hundred fifteen 58th BW B-29's attack the Utsunomiya urban area destroying .94 square miles or 34.2% of the city; 5 B-29's hit alternate targets. One B-29 is lost. (Mission 264) One hundred twenty-three 73rd BW B-29's hit the Ichinomiya urban area destroying .01 square mile or .8% of the city; two B-29's hit alternate targets. (Mission 265) Ninety-two B-29's dispatched from the 313th BW attack the Tsuruga urban area destroying .77 square miles or 68% of the city; two B-29's hit alternate targets. (Mission 266) One hundred twenty-three B-29's dispatched from the 314th BW hit the Uwajima urban area destroying .14 square miles or 14% of the city; one B-29 hits an alternate target. (Mission 267) Fifty-three B-29's dispatched from the 315th BW attack the Kawasaki Petroleum Complex destroying about 25% of the target.
13 July 1945 (pg 682) (Mission 268) During the night of 13-14 July, thirty B-29's dispatched from the 6th BG mine Shimonoseki Strait and waters around Fukuoka and the waters in and around the ports of Seishin, Masan and Reisui Korea. 14 July 1945 (pg 683) No actions reported. 15 July 1945 (pg 684) During the night of 15-16 July, 1 mining mission and 1 bombing mission are flown. (Mission 269) Twenty-six 6th BG B-29's mine the waters at Naoetsu and Niigata, Japan and Najin, Pusan and Wonsan Korea; one B-29 mines an alternate target. (Mission 270) Fifty-nine B-29's dispatched from the 315th BW bomb the Nippon Oil Company at Kudamatsu and the facility is almost completely destroyed; three B-29's attack alternate targets.