XMissions Current Graphics Sound & Midi Archives available for Download can be found on this page,
or via ftp at
MIDI Archives
Unzip the archive & put the midi files in your Palace/Media/XMission/Sounds folder.
MAC users using the MMMMM system, install as appropriate to the way you set up your MMMMM and midi folders.
For more detailed midi info see our midi info pages
or play the midis one by one here to see if you like em.
Midis For the Juke Boxes & regular rooms
xpalmidi.zip 456K
Freshness date 8/12/01
Tip drop the zip file onto stuffit expander to unzip it
xweenmid.zip 144K
Additional Midi addons for
/ MMMMM Users
mmmmm Version 2.0
293 K installer
the Power PC mmmmm system installer for palace midi for Macintosh
mmmmm Version 1.1
650 K installer
the 68k/040 mmmmm system installer for palace midi for Macintosh
If desired for 1.1 users
xplugoids.sit.hqx 125k for MMMMM v1.1 68k Macs
applescript plugoids for 36 midifiles in archives above.
Mac Utilitys
(The above files must be unzipped/unstuffed we reccommend the following apps to do so)
Stuff it Expander will often work for both .zip or .sit.hqx formats.
get Zip It 1.3.5 Zip135.hqx (487K) for Macintosh.
Graphics Archives
Graphics Will Download and install automatically as needed
Various platforms, Clients & Java versions call for several versions of
our graphics...Connecting will download the correct items for your platform &
software version., therefore we have discontinued manual installation of archived graphics
NOTE: If you are using a MAC, then you also need to go here http://eagles.chatserve.com/macfix.html
because there are additional EASY steps you will have to take to insure that your palace client downloads graphics properly.
Sounds Archives
Unzip the archives & put the wav files in your palace/media/xmission/sounds folder.
Or palace/media/sounds folder if you want them available at other palaces.
xsounds.zip 378k wav archive
xsmsnd.zip 666k wav archive
xhouse.zip 554k wav archive
xretro.zip 639k wav archive
xdisco.zip 648k wav archive
NEW xweenwav.zip 516k wav archive
for our Scary Castle & cavesIf you need more help with sounds see our sounds info page, or you can download these wavs 1 by 1 inside our palace.
Palace Client & server Software available at these Locations
Client Downloads
Windows 3.5 Client Download
Win32 v 3.5 Client Download
Win32 v 3.5 Client Download
Macintosh 3.5 Client Download
Mac PPC v 3.0.1 Client Download
Mac 68K v 3.0.1 Client Download
NOTE: If you are using a MAC, then you also need to go here because there are additional steps you will have to take to insure that your palace client works properly.After you download the client, you will need a registration code to activate the avatar & name Features. the JERKS that used to run the registration server have gone AWOL SO..Please connect as our valued Guest and ask anyone on Palace if they will give you a reg code as a gift! It is supposedly illegal for us to post the codes here on this page or we would do so.
Many palace users have stockpiles of extra codes & will be more than happy to make a gift of one to a new friend.Server Downloads
If you wish to run your own server, you will have to download the server software and install it on the platform of your choice.
Please Visit the Downloads section of Palace Planet for Currently available server software.
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