The mmmmm websites seem to be offline or
then you can set your system internet preferences to use any
application you have,
that will play midi Such as Quicktime player Sound App
even iTunes will work.
Main Midi page
for info
And Our MAC Media
Setup Page
for info on setting up your internet control panel file
types for use with the 3.5 Client
The Following Info May
be Obsolete and links not available
checked 6 /30/2002
Midi Info &
Midi Contols at XMission
At XMission Rooms that have this icon, are scripted to allow you play a random midi like a juke saying the word "next"
Mac users with MMMMM installed may access this feature in some chat rooms And EVERYONE will be able to hear the same music
(If they have downloaded & installed our midis)
If you are Mac & do not wish to use MMMMM USE THE 3.5 Client
however you can use a web browser to play our midis by clicking on the "net note" icon in some chat rooms.
Hear what we have available now if you like
If you use MMMMM & are up to speed on midi
jump to our Download Everything Page to get our Midis
& Our midis for Mac people new to palace midi.Until recently Mac users could only use the Browser Method to hear midis in Palace, Not any more!!!!
Fight Back! with
(merry music mac midi mansion)
(Created by Ken Marks).First
Get Info and Downloads for the MMMMM System at
The MMMMM Page
Or right here
Download: mmmmm Version 1.1 (650 KB) For 68k Macs
Download: mmmmm Version 2.0 (293 KB) For Power Macs NEW!
MMMMM Requirements1. QuickTime & QuickTime Instruments, ver. 2.5 or above comes with System 7.5 + & Above
2. AppleScript 1.1+ w/Scripting Additions (or above check your Apple Extras folder it should be in there)
3. SoundApp 2.4.4 or higher
4. Form of System 7.5 + or above as the operating systemWhats the big idea?
The idea here is for each Palace that has midis scripted & available,
you download & Install the midis. when someone says )midiname.mid in Palace, or a midi itpscrae command is executed the AppleScript calls up Sound App which plays the midi file.
Some Palaces force Midi downloads to Mac users, this can be Painful to our ears because the Mac client will assume they are Wavs
MMMMM 2.0 has a feature which allows us to fix the file so we can hear it as intended.
If you enter a palace room & get at file with a name either m_ preceeding the name
or with an extension .mid that auto downloads and you hear horrible screeching the file needs to be "fixed" MMMMM 2.0 can do it!
Other wise throw out the file or the screeching will continue.IMHO it's WAY worth it.
IF You have MMMMM installed on your Mac
here are the files to download for XMission Palace:The Midi Files 326k for 38 midis
Freshness date 7/25/98NEW Our Scary Castle Midis
for Mac Users who prefer stuffit archive format~
(both contain same midis)
xpalmidi.sit.hqx 450k for 38 midis
Freshness date 7/25/98
(These files must be unzipped/unstuffed,
Stuff it Expander will often work for both formats.
or get Zip135.hqx (500ishK)
Shareware, for working with PC .zip formats on our Macs )Put the midis in a folder
Somewhere that makes sence to you.
MMMMM can find them wherever!
Perhaps make a midi folder in your Palace folder to keep them together & organized.
Do NOT take off the .mid extension or m_ pre-stension.Third
Come on in to & test it out.
Additional info for 68k Mac (non Power PC) users With MMMMM v1.1
Version 1.1 requires you to run the midis through an applescript maker called "Plugoid maker".which makes "plugoids".
the "plugoids" are Apple scripts that live in your Palace Plugins folder.
You will need to do this for each midi (instructions in download package)
Tips for 68k Macs & MMMMM 1.1 users
- Make your own plugoids for the midis I (seems to work better than using the predownloaded ones.)
- Follow the Directions And Instructions included with the MMMMM Installer especially if you are running OS 8 and while altering your Borg
- Do a "get info" on Sound app & Up its memory if large midifiles arent playing.
- Copy your cyborg before MMMMM install so you can have a non Midi version available if you wish.!!!!!
If you appear to freeze up..(Once in a while) hit apple option escape to escape the applescript & keep palacing.
Here are Premade Plugoids for XMission Midis
for MMMMM 1.1 users only.
xplugoids.sit.hqx 125k
36 Applescript plugoids for midifiles in archives above.Unstuff this file & put the applescripts into your palace plugins folder .
If they don't work so great...he he delete them
To make your own plugoids, drop the midifiles you downloaded for XMission onto your "mmmmm plugoid maker"
which will create new ones aclimatized to your system, and place them where they are supposed to go.
Why Install MMMMM
Advantages of using IMHO
- You Can hear your Macintalk voices and regular palace wavs all mixed perfectly together with midi by your MAC for a Kuel Multi media Experience! HAVE YOUR CAKE & EAT IT TOO!
- Midis can be anywhere in your Puter, Sound App will find them.
- Midis can be keyed & listened to, in any Palace at anytime for your listening pleasure.
- Finally a use for all that Applescript stuff laying around on your hardrive!
When your wintel using friends key a midi you will hear it too!!!! and that makes for FUN!
Complete Info on how to play midi in Palace on Macintosh can be found in
The Palace Midi Guide by Sparkle
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