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Manually Registering Test Cases and Suites

Registering Test Cases

You may have an existing body of tests that you wish to register with Boost.Test manually. You can use BOOST_TEST_CASE to register a function taking no arguments and returning void as a test case:

static void inserts_text()
    std::ostringstream dest;


    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("Hello, world!\n", dest.str());

static void register_function(test_suite& suite)

You can use a test case method on a fixture class by registering a function that creates an instance of the fixture and invokes the test method. This assures that a fresh fixture is created for each test case, ensuring that each test executes independently of other tests.

class hello_fixture
    void stream_with_badbit_throws_runtime_error()

        BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(hello_world(dest), std::runtime_error);

    std::ostringstream dest;

static void stream_with_badbit_throws_runtime_error()

static void register_method_function_instance(test_suite& suite)

You can register a method on a class as a test case by using Boost.Bind to bind the method to a static instance of the class. This can cause oen test case to influence the execution of another test case because they share the static fixture.

static hello_fixture hf;

static void register_method_static_instance(test_suite& suite)

A static instance of the class is used so that the instance exists at the time the test case is invoked. Test case invocation happens after registration, so using a local instance in the registration function is insufficient.

Registering Test Suites

A new test suite is created with the BOOST_TEST_SUITE macro. The new suite must be added to the master test suite to execute its tests. Any number of test suites can be added in a hierarchy of suites and any test case can be added to any test suite.

static test_suite*
init_unit_test_suite(int argc, char* argv[])
    test_suite* hello_suite = BOOST_TEST_SUITE("hello");
    return 0;

Example Source Code
