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This argument controls which test cases will be executed. The value is a comma separated list of test specifiers. Test cases are arranged as leaves on a tree structure, with every test case belonging to a test suite. The test runner always creates a master test suite. Named test suites are children of the master test suite or another named test suite. Any test case that is not the child of a named test suite is a child of the unnamed master test suite.

Test specifiers select test cases or suites by naming the path from the unnamed master test suite to the case or suite, similar to a full path to a file in a hierarchical directory structure. A test specifier is one or more path specifiers, separated by a slash (/). A test specifier begins at the master test suite and proceeds down the test tree, naming suites or test cases.

The argument --report_level set to detailed can be used to output the names of all the test suites and test cases within those test suites.

Path Specifier

Tests Selected


The test case or suite named name.


All test cases or suites whose name ends in name.


All test cases or suites whose name begins with name.


All test cases or suites whose name contains name.


All test cases or suites.


The test cases or suites with the given specifier.


The test cases or suites matched by spec2 in the test suite matched by spec1.

Environment variable: BOOST_TESTS_TO_RUN
