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The test_unit class forms the basis of the hierarchical tree of test cases. Test applications will usually create instances of test_case or test_suite, both of which derive from test_unit.

namespace boost { namespace unit_test {

class BOOST_TEST_DECL test_unit {
    enum { type = tut_any };

    // Constructor
    test_unit( const_string tu_name, test_unit_type t );

    // dependencies management
    void    depends_on( test_unit* tu );
    bool    check_dependencies() const;

    // Public r/o properties
    typedef BOOST_READONLY_PROPERTY(test_unit_id,(framework_impl))  id_t;
    typedef BOOST_READONLY_PROPERTY(test_unit_id,(test_suite))      parent_id_t;
    readonly_property<test_unit_type>   p_type;                 // type for this test unit
    readonly_property<const_string>     p_type_name;            // "case"/"suite"
    id_t                                p_id;                   // unique id for this test unit
    parent_id_t                         p_parent_id;            // parent test suite id

    // Public r/w properties
    readwrite_property<std::string>     p_name;                 // name for this test unit
    readwrite_property<unsigned>        p_timeout;              // timeout for the test unit execution
    readwrite_property<counter_t>       p_expected_failures;    // number of expected failures in this test unit
    mutable readwrite_property<bool>    p_enabled;              // enabled status for this unit

    void                                increase_exp_fail( unsigned num );


} }
