Capitol Reef Wildflowers (Pink)

All images copyright 2009-2014 Bert Nelson

Nutall's cactus (Coryphantha vivipara)

Utah daisy (Erigeron utahensis)

Northern Sweetvetch (Hedysarum boreale)

Pretty buckwheat (Eriogonum bicolor)

Arizona thistle (Cirsium arizonicum)

Central prickly pear (Opuntia polyacantha)

Showy rushpink (Lygodesmia grandiflora)

Cushion milkwort (Polygala subspinosa)

Fragrant sand-verbena (Abronia fragrans)

Palmer’s penstemon (Penstemon palmeri)

Tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis)

Wooly locoweed (Astralagus mollissimus)

Annual wirelettuce (Stephanomeria exigua)  

Showy four o’clock (Mirabillis multiflora)

Woods’ rose (Rosa woodsii)

Desert phlox (Phlox austromontana)

African mustard (Malcolmia africana)

Showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa)

Kaiparowits milkvetch (Asragalus malacoides)

Ferron milkvetch (Astragalus musiniensis)

Longleaf phlox (Phlox longifolia)

Cushion Buckwheat (Eriogonum ovalifolium)

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