Capitol Reef Wildflowers


White Flowers   Pink Flowers   Red Flowers   Yellow Flowers   Purple Flowers

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A new update has been completed on the PDF guide below increasing the species count to over 130.

All images Copyright  2010-2020  B. Nelson

This visual guide below contains over 355 photographs covering over 131
different species found in Capitol Reef National Park.

The links above show just one example of each flower and is not always current, but
in the guide below things are always current and there may be up to four pictures of each flower.

Capitol Reef Wildflowers (PDF Version)

Common and scientific names come from the following book:

Welsh, Stanley L., Atwood, N. Duane, Goodrich, Shrerel, and Higgins, Larry C. Editors, 2016.
A Utah Flora, Fifth Edition Revised 2015
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

Many thanks to Susan, Carol, Walt and others who helped in identifying some
of the flowers.  I am no botanist, so any corrections or suggestions
are most welcome by the author.

An annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora for Capitol Reef was completed
in 2009 and lists several hundred wildflowers that have been found
within the park boundaries.  This list came out of a study that had
included a comprehensive review of  most of the botanical surveys done in the park.
Appendix A is the most comprehensive plant checklist prepared to date for
Capitol Reef National Park and is a valuable aid to professionals and amateurs alike.

Each year additional species and pictures will be added and so
this is a long term project, but that is okay because visiting
Capitol Reef is always a pleasure.

Right click on the link below and click on Save Target As
to save  the guide or double click it to view the
Capitol Reef Wildflowers guide

For best results maximize the size of your browser.  Magnification can
go up to 200% before before the images begin to degrade.

Capitol Reef Wildflowers (PDF Version)
