On October 10, 2018, UARC held its annual “Homebrew Night,” an opportunity for members of the club to show home-built amateur radio equipment.
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Carl Pockrus, WE7OMG, shows his dual-band J-pole made
collapsible for go-kits.
Chuck Johnson, WA7JOS, made a Mobile antenna mounting bracket
for a late model automobile.
Chuck's bracket.
Glen Worthington, WA7X, was Master of Ceremonies.
Clint Turner, KA7OEI, made lithium-ion batteries for a 90's
vintage H-T. He also showed a down-converter used for transmitting on the 630- and 2200-meter bands. It takes a 5 MHz input and converts it to about a half watt on
the desired band to drive amplifiers on the new bands.
Clint's “HF Linear of Death” — built by a young Clint using a pair
of 813's.
Bryan Mogensen, W7CBM's hand-machined paddles for use with
an electronic keyer.
(Photos by K7RLS)
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