Bill's links page
[Unfold all links.|
Fold all links.]
Images and Art links.
- Gateway to Darkness the gothest page on the web.
- A fractal
page, interactive mandelbrot zooms, cool.
- Random Portraits Gallery pics of web users, and lots of 'em.
- Scarecrow's WWW link, your gateway to the world of ascii art.
- The
Calvin and Hobbes Gallery.
- 3D Pictures
, don't forget to cross your eyes.
- Design Reasearch Centre Virtual Gallery
, neat electronc art, among other things.
- Otis
, the colloborative online art project.
- WAXweb
, based on 'WAX or the discovery of telivision among the bees', cool stuph.
Images and Art Links.
Toys and Games links.
- I-ching, discover what th future holds for you.
- Lite-Brite, on-line, view other's creations or make your own.
- A Gallery of Interactive On-Line Geometry
, very highly reccomended.
- Internet Font Browser, has pictures of fonts, kinda neat.
- Games Domain
, With links to games bytes, reccomended.
- The Chess Server, play chess on the web.
- The Mercury Project at USC, cool contollable robot arm.
- The
NetHack home page, an addicting text based dungeon game.
Toys and Games Links.
Dots & bars.
Dots & bars.
- The
Cypherpunks home page, keep your secrets yours.
- Biohazard home page, I'm not sure what it is, but I like it.
- Putrid Afterthoughts. a gallery of odd sick strangeness.
- The
Church of the SubGenius online pamphlet.
Justin's links from the Underground., I don't know Justin, but he's been busy.
- Gateway to Darkness, the gothest page on the web.
- Vampyres Only, but who's to know?
Underground home page, mostly of music info.
- Why not take a walk thru
Condom Country, for all you condom needs etc..
- Here's the
Safe Sex page.
- Here's the
Tattoo and body modification links.
- BME, the body modification e-zine.
- Schwa, the finest in alien defense products.
- Wordlists
, do with them what you will.
- Satanic Sysadmins Inc, improve your system uptime and get you more beer.
- Force-Ten, Revenge and security goods.
-, Counter-intelligence and security gear.
- Social Hygene Handbook, I really don't know why.
- Random 80's Lyrics, It's a blast from the past, fersure.
- Telecom Information Resources, very complete.
- Asus American mirror of the asus web page.
- Way cool, a page with
Random Links it's good for a bunch of minutes of fun.
- Universe of Discourse, fund randomness, and cool links.
- Coke Machines on the net, as well as other
Internet accessable machines, highly reccomended portals to the real world.
- Here's a page of links to sites with
Audio clips.
- Here's the
C.I.A.home page, has world factbooks too.
- The
IHTFP Online Hack Archive documents interesting and wonderful hacks at MIT.
- The
Taco Bell Net, the product of sick minds, and stomachs.
Java Asteroids, It's just like being 14 again.
Archee McPhee, Outfitters of popular culture.
- For sale.
- For sale.
Ftp sites.
Ftp sites.
- Network 23, if Max Headroom had an account on the net, it would be at Network23.
- L0pht Heavy Industries.
- New Hack City.
- Sinister Networks.
- Fringeware, nifty publications, and stuff.
-, Anarchy and Eclectic interests on the net.
-, A cool collaborative publishing effort, reccomended.
-, some good Etext archives and other cool stuff.
- Cyberpunk Reasearch Labs, I'm not really sure, but I kind of like it.
Crypto and Privacy.
Crypto and Privacy.
Geek Stuff.
Geek Stuff.
- Cuseeme Homepage from the original developers at Cornell.
- Cuseeme Friends, an undernet irc channel for cuseeme users.
- The Reflector, a web site for cuseeme addicts.
- The Geek-Talk a private chat plug-in for Mac versions of cu-seeme.
- The Un-Official Cuseeme Page at
- Cuseeme under Linux, NV is cool, but I wish they'd get a native version.
- QuickCam Third-Party Drivers, The place to start for using a QuickCam under *nix.
- Face2face's Reflector list, It's automagicially updated and fairly comprehensive.
- Spacers Tech page, Some good info on tuning Enhanced cu-seeme.
- Maetro's CU page, Some nice pictures of some nice cuseeme addicts.
- Nina's Nook, Nina is one of those people that reminds you that the Internet is a big place, she lives in Macau.
- JB's CU Page, a picture gallery of my fellow addicts.
- CUnnect autodialer, autodials busy reflectors for you.
Signs of the imminent apocalypse.
Signs of the imminent apocalypse.
People, and good personal pages.
People, and good personal pages.
Stuff I use.
- The cgiemail homepage, a www program for sending email from a page.
- SSH, a secure remote login program, never worry about packet sniffers again.SSH for windows
- Majordomo, the popular mailing manager.
- Hylafax, a *nix based fax/pager server.
- Samba, lets you mount unix drives as windows drives.
- Netcat, an exceedingly good network debugging tool.
Stuff I use.
Back to my home page.