Informix Dynamic Server  

Book Errata

I tried my best to make sure everything I wrote was accurate and that the text and figures were reproduced accurately in print. That's no small feat when you consider the number of hands a manuscript goes through in the writing and printing process. But hey, there are probably going to be some errors somewhere. Either I messed something up or something didn't get printed correctly.

This page is to alert you to any major corrections that should be made to the book. Some changes will be rolled into the next printing, others will have to wait until the next edition. In any event, if you find an error, please let me know so I can make the necessary corrections.

The Informix-OnLine Dynamic Server Handbook Errors

12.2.97 Typos and formatting errors that have been discovered.

8.10.97 Corrected slight inaccuracy in whether all before images are copied into the logical logs from the physical log.

7.20.97 Corrected update_stat.4gl program code.

9.29.99 Update for the strip_index script that is on the cd-rom.

Administering Informix Dynamic Server on Windows NT Errors

None yet, but then the book is just being published!

9.29.99 Update for the strip_index script that is on the cd-rom.
