NEEDHAMs of Flagg & Chelmorton, Derbyshire

Name List

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ROBERTS, Albert Fraser-[373] (      -      )C,P,P,P
ROBERTS, Earl-[374] (      -      )S,C
ROBERTS, Edna-[375] (      -      )S,C
ROBERTS, Sarah-[336] (      -      )P,P
ROBERTS, Stanley-[376] (      -      )S,C
ROBINSON, Mary-[164] (1785-1865)C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P
ROYLE, Annie-[225] (      -      )P

NOTE: Please use the NAME list to find individuals - these families are not all linked together ******* <<<<<<<

This Web Site was updated on  18 Mar 2005

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