hit counter code Journal


Journal for Jan 6, 2009
Experience Awards: Next Session:
  Tuesday Jan. 19th
  6:30 PM

Saturday May 11th IC 1428

Mouse - In the waning hours of the night we collected our things and made our way across Market Street to a suite provided to us by Elsha. We were barely a few steps out of The Bison before we were nearly ambushed by a skittish waif of a man dressed like a traveling priest. His jittery nature suggested trouble. The bouncer from Bison's that was showing us to our new quarters interjected on our behalf, but Calais was curious enough to allow the man to say his peace. He said he was the Vicar at St. Michael's. One he announced himself I recalled seeing him there before, but his current condition made hem nearly unrecognizable. He said he had not been sleeping well, as a way of accounting for his disheveled appearance. Through his staccato speech we made out that he desired a meeting with us at Michello's tomorrow after Vespers. After pleading his case it was agreed that we would meet with him.

The bouncer showed us to our suite. He handed over the keys. It didn't take long for us to settle in. Sullivan was unconscious on the couch in minutes. I had to excuse myself and head home to check on things.

I returned the next morning fully prepared to lend my compatriots a little style advice and a full wardrobe change. First we were off to Robin's for a bath, shave and trim. Enzo seems to shy away from the bath. Something about not wanting to wash off the previous night experience. I think I could know Enzo for a hundred years and never really understand him.

We passed the afternoon visiting cobblers, tailors, haberdashers, and jewelers. Silverhawk surprised me the most with what seemed to be a full appreciation for Viosacci's shoes. There may be hope for her yet, though her manners at dinner suggests a level of refinement much lacking, but charming in its own way.

I took a moment out from shopping to settle our debits with the Black Bison. Unpaid tabs had a way of catching up with a man at inopportune times. My position a company quartermaster was still firmly entrenched. When I stepped inside to pay Byson much to my surprise Casper was warming a stool at the bar. He had recently returned from Torre Duo in Florenta. Something about summer break. He said Anna was still there continuing her schooling. She kind of creeps me out anyway so it might be for the better. But the thought of her wielding spells like casper is slightly more frightening. I hope they have good teachers there to give her some understanding of the power she will soon wield.

While we were waiting around for Silverhawk to select a tiara I ran out for a pint. Enzo suggested while we were out that he would like to see some action. By that he meant a fight. I jumped on the opportunity and managed to get him a bare knuckle match with a brawler called the Mauler. The match was set for midnight. Man, if we are allowed to win this one we will make some serious money. I'll have to check in with the Facci before the march to see where we stand and what our odds are.

Once back at the jeweler it seemed that the little half-elf had made up her mind and we could move on to other activities. It was getting late in the afternoon and we had a rendezvous with Father Jericho around dusk. We all met up again at the tailors sop picking up our new clothing. Wow, do we clean up well of what. We too turns ogling Silverhawk as we made our way across town. Someone suggested that we get a cab. Using my charms I hailed a coach. In minutes we were out front of Michello's.

I have had the opportunity to eat at Michello's before, but my funds were never well enough in order to really experience it properly. We were a few minutes early and had an opportunity to scout things out before our meeting. As fate would have it, Adamo Eldred's wife was dining out this evening without her husband. That didn't mean she was not attended by male companionship. Aside from her constant companion, Thistlebottom (the halfling), a young duelist was there with her. Enzo wasted no time in harassing the couple attempting to remain anonymous.

Finally our guest arrived. Father Jericho, looking like he could use a warm meal and a weeks worth of sleep. Edgy as ever he quickly jumped to the meat of the meeting. Had we seen a giant bell in the Abbey of St. Rose. As soon as we confirmed the bell was within, he flew off the handle like a deranged maniac. The spectacle disrupted the entire ristorante and drew unwanted attention to our table. The then proceeded to vacate the premises without so much as a farewell. Calais and Enzo chased him down outside. When they finally returned they confirmed that he believed the bell to be a bad omen and it signified something horrific was associated with the ringing of the bell.

The the unpleasantness of Father Jericho behind us, I was treated to a display of passion and unfettered joy few get to witness. Apparently this was Silverhawk's first time in a real city with real cuisine. The risotto she had ordered from the kitchen was much to her liking. So much so that her obvious lack of civil training was dismissed entirely in favor of ingesting chef Patrone's creation. Somehow in the melee she managed to keep her new clothing free of stain from stewed tomato and wine alike. A remarkable creature to be sure.

After a personal visit from the chef we departed for home. Well, more correctly, what passes for a home when travel is your mistress and a bedroll your nightstand. The wizard was tired from his journey an turned in early. Corman elected to stay behind too. The rest of us set off for Bison's hoping to catch the parade of companions.

The atmosphere was charged as usual. Pheromones replace air as the musk of love held everyone in sway. The parade was up to the usual standards. Sullivan was confident that tonight was his night. He even abstained from ale and wine to keep his senses about him. A pause in the parade signified that Elsha was about to make her entrance. At that moment some explosion outside rattled the windows. Silverhawk was the first out into the street. She shouted back into the room "Klavius is attacking Corman". I was sure I heard it wrong. I couldn't put together another sentence in my head so I cleared the bar area to look for myself.

When I got outside I saw Silvehawk dragging Corman's rigid body away from the specter of Klavius. His glowing red eyes and hollow shell radiated menace. I attempted to strike him with my blades, but as I remembered my attacks were ineffectual.

From the balcony overhead I notice Casper had awakened to the horror and was none to pleased with the interruption of his sleep. Klavius had nearly bested us all in his tomb of a lair, but here on the streets of Eldred's Cross he was out of his element. Fortunate timing and the late arrival of the city guard allowed us to put him to rest once more. How long would it be before he could seek us out again. None of us dared speculate. The night was no longer young and Sullivan's opportunity to impress Elsha may be behind him for the night. His blood-soaked armor and clothing telling of his encounter with the lich in ways we all understood too well.