hit counter code Journal


Journal for Jan 19, 2009
Experience Awards: Next Session:
  Tuesday Feb. 3rd
  6:30 PM

Sunday May 12th IC 1428

Silverhawk - We retired to our rooms late last night. We resorted to our trail born tradition of keeping watch at night. It was really more an exercise in keeping our edge than a necessity of circumstance. If Mouse can be believed he assured us that we were safe from harm by the Facci. Add to that the Duke's desire to herald our recent achievements and you have a pretty good assurance of protection. Calais seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts last night, but this morning he awoke unburdened. I hope all is well with him. Perhaps when he is ready he'll share his concerns with me. Unless, I guess, I'm the cause for concern.

Enzo's hellish companion made a visit last night. I presume on his watch. She always leaves a unique fragrance in the air when she has been around. The induced desire for sex is not limited just to the men. Her sexual powers to sway are unlike anything I have ever encountered. I'm sure it is only Enzo's enormously over inflated self value that preserves him from throwing himself at her at every encounter.

Calais suggested we take some time today to tour the city. I must admit that I am not as uncomfortable in cities as I used to be. Though no one will be happier than I when we depart. Mouse surprised me today by announcing that he was going to attend morning mass at St. Michael's. But that announcement paled when Enzo said he was going to tag along. The others set out for a cup of puchino before church or whatever else commanded their interest.

For me, I was content to scout the city with Calais. After hours of combing the city we happened across a shop that sold travel packs. The variety was more than I was used to having to choose from. I could tell Calais was losing patience. It only took him half and hour to pick out a new bow this morning, Thou I wasn't there to assist in that he managed to get a good one. After lunch we decided to head back to the room before going to Robin's for a bath. Tonight was the big meeting with the Duke of Eldred's Cross. We wanted to make a good impression. That and the full service bath house was a luxury not found in the wild.

When we arrived back at the room Casper and Enzo were in a huff. Something about a Nessian dark mage residing in the toy store they visited. It must have been some mischief that Lilith put them up to. Anything involving her never ended well. In truth I've never seen either of them so distressed. Even the encounters deep in the recesses of the Abbey of St. Rose never commanded the level of stress evident in both men. We discussed options for defending ourselves against reprisal. I'm not sure if I've grown complacent in the few days we have been here, but the idea of a dark mage tracking us down here in the city seemed absurd. It took a little persuasion to get the two of them to agree to a bath in their heightened state of distress, but we finally managed to hook them. When we arrived we found Mouse and Corman already neck deep in suds. After a few glasses of wine much of the tension had passed. Some of the horrors Enzo and Casper described within DeVille's toy shop sounded malevolent to a degree I hope I am never witness to.

Mouse and his walking chest of gold went out ahead of us to secure an open air coach to deliver us to the Duke's keep. It was drawing near dusk as we made the short ride through the busy streets. A detail of guards lead by a man referring to himself as the Castellan guided us through the Duke's maze of rooms to a grand dining hall several stories up in the tower. Guests representing the upper stripe of society were gathered in the hall. Some sitting others standing. Normally in this setting we could expect Enzo to stir up some minor controversy, but his encounter with the Nessian mage left him sullen and quieter than usual.

The Duke and all his guests were very polite. I was careful to observe several of the ladies in the room After my experience at Michello's the other night I didn't want to offend our host. The progress I made though my food was slower than I was accustomed to, but I'm sure I wasn't too out of step. After what seemed a never ending supply wagon of food the Duke announced the the final desert had been served. He stood and tapped his fork against his glass and moved to the presentation stage of the affair.

The chests of gold were the most surprising portion of the evening. Though Calais' elevation to Imperial Martial was a close second. I had been concerned for weeks since we left the Valley of the Rose how I was going to continue my travels with Calais and still perform my duties as an Imperial Ranger. When Calais offered the opportunity to be deputized into his service I jumped at the chance.

Soon we retired to a small room adjacent to the grand ballroom where details of Calais' new assignment were revealed. The previous holder of the title Imperial Marshal surrendered his life capturing a serial killer Nessian mage near Hax. It would fall to Calais to finish the assignment of delivering the prisoner to Iron Trees prison deep in The Hardlands. I was not alone in my desire to continue fellowship with Calais. Everyone but Enzo signed to document. He would not be moved until he resolved when and where he would see Celeste again. Again I was moved and surprised at his attachment to her. His cavalier attitude disappeared when it came to her and her welfare. A wondrous change of heart considering his distain for her after the affair at The Chalice and the way he treated her on the road to St. Rose. He finally pressed Corman to use some a divination to resolve her whereabouts and when she would return. The answer came swiftly. She would be in town by morning.

We spent the night in a mansion of Casper's creation. The magical building was beyond belief. After a restful night with no one on watch we make our way to the bazaar for some puchino while we waited for Celeste to arrive. After about an hour Enzo sprang from the cafe' chair he had been fidgeting in and nearly sprinted toward the beautiful paladin as she entered the north gate. Maybe he really did have a heart under all that machismo.

Celeste - The 5th crusade is underway now in the fields near Hax. The Razor Fang 1st Legion has engaged and captured the crossroads. It is believed they were stationed on the North side of Butcher's Pass, sitting idle since triggering the rock slide. The imperial elements stationed there fell back to the Tomb of the Ancients. Once they arrived there the Razor Fang 2nd and 8th Legions pressed south. They took the tomb and pursued the retreating imperial troops until they joined with Aiden and the high command. They hold a defensive line at the highlands 25 miles north of the road to Hax. On the Eastern front Bloodhand boar riders hammer at the crusaders from their base at Seet.

Lord Aiden's high Generals; Lord Marco Eldred III, Sir Antonio Petri, Lady Elizabeth Dunne, Sir Claudio Leone, Sir Phillip DeHaven and Sir Francis Boscobel, hold a 40 mile patch of ground 20 miles West of Hax.

I am told that Astoria Lighthorse troops stationed at Red Saddle, reinforced with 50,000 troops from Florenta are pressing into The Grimme at this very moment. It is rumored that the Everqueen sent elven archers to support the advance.