hit counter code Bell 3

Bell 3



"How may I be of service to you on this day?." He folded her cloak over his arm gesturing for her to continue into the shop. The scuff of their boots against the raised wood floor provided a percussive undercurrent to their conversation.
I am in need of armor, protection suited for sustained travel on foot.." She averted her gaze, listing her needs as if reciting them to herself.
Denton, seeing the opportunity to make a substantial sale, unconsciously changed his demeanor. It was a long practiced posture. He had observed it used by merchants in the city of Torregiador. He was so taken in on his first encounter with the technique, he found himself covetous of the item at issue. Only his hardened shrewdness allowed him to sever the ensnaring gesticulations of the peddler. Such minor magics were not usually necessary for maintaining a profitable business. At times it was often useful when trying to move perishable goods or sell a blemished item at full value.

He knew the fallen paladin held the high ground in matters of religion,field tactics, and pious teaching. But here, in his bailiwick, he was the more skillful. Drawing her attention to an iron bound reinforced wooden trunk he pulled from under a draped table. Sliding the lid open he pointed to a shift, woven from links of mithril. Glancing up at her he studied her reaction, looking for that slightest tell. Her placid face yielded no emotion. She simply gazed at the armor. The intricate weaving was an art only attained by a few artisans and only for the nimble fingers of the elves.

Mithril had been in short supply in the empire for over three centuries. Nessian pirates had seen to that. The mines of Viletta were besieged by raiders and opportunists. Production dropped to a trickle. Trade in mithril fell to only a few merchants. Those able to buttress against the constant draw of rogues and cutthroats who coveted the now overpriced metal. Even those who wore it as protection or wielded it in weapon form sought to disguise it and keep it from sight. She would have been raised where it was an abundant resource. Perhaps its encumbering social value would be lost on her.

The item he had revealed to his client was enviable. It offered protection beyond the capability of lesser metals, but the social burden of it easily outweighed its protective value.



Here is where his technique would allow him to part with this item. He would obtain proper remuneration for the time he spent shepherding the item in secret.
The clapper above the door dinned again. Denton chanced a glance toward the door. A man entered dressed in a fine full-length cloak, his sable hair pulled back in a pony tail. Another new arrival? he thought contemplating the possibility of more than one hardened soul making the ascent.
Signor, please come in and look around. I'll be with you in a moment.." Denton watched a moment longer before returning his focus to the lady.

"If you would like to try it on I'm sure you will find the weight agreeable for travel.." He lifted the silvery bundle from the box. It unfurled like a suspended flow of water. He couldn't help but marvel at the shimmering garment. "You would look magnificent in this.." He thought aloud. For the first time since she entered the shop her expression changed. A pained look passed across her face like the waxing of the moon. He had erred in his comment, knowing it as he spoke the words. As he attempted to recover his poise the man who had just entered appeared before him. Slightly startled, he pressed the gatherings in his vest flat in a brushing motion and spoke.
"I am nearly finished here, is there something I can direct you to while I finish up?."
The man ignored him directing his attention toward the lady. "It is a worthy appurtenance to be sure, but for one of your discerning inclination something more discrete may be more to your liking.." The man's hand had been poised over a vest pocket. His hand unfolded to reveal a small circle of white gold. Denton started to protest, but a reassuring gesture of concord came from the stranger. Baffled and unseated he continued to watch in wonder.
"You would do me a great honor if you would accept this token of protection. It once belonged to my sister whose measure of beauty approached your own.."

Celeste spoke to him coolly with a measure of mistrust. "Traveller, Your gesture is too kind. I could no--."
He interjected. "Do not mistake my gesture as a generosity. I carry the pain of my sister's memory with this trinket and I wish to be rid of it. It would bring me equanimity to send it far away. I offer it to you for my own sake."