hit counter code The Promise 4
the World

The Promise 4



Balling up like a puma, she launched herself again toward the corpse. This time the arrows were joined by spears. Her wings buckled and she was once again seeking footing among the burning wood. Loose kindling caused her to roll to one side. By the time she recovered her balance she was nearly at the bottom of the pyre. The goblins, by this time, had recovered from the surprise of her actions. They hurled stones and clubs at her and she began to come to terms with her situation. Even though it was only tow or three body lengths to the top of the pyre. Any attempt to attain the summit would result in her demise.

How could she fail at so simple a task?
Recover something of the man and return it, so that we may bring him back!"
It was a task easily done considering her skills and experience. Failure was not something she took lightly.

Concentrating on the magic that would allow her to vacate the hostile environment. She pictured the area against the cliff face where she had last attended her lover. At that moment she felt something strike her in the head. Her thoughts scrambled to realign. Where was she going? Safety. Anywhere but here! Again something hit her. Away, away!

The fire was gone. Coolness enveloped her. Then a light appeared before her. Around the light pillows and rugs came into view. Beyond, she could see a tent flap. Here again? She thought. Hmmph.." Well, it would be another day before she could return to Enzo. May as well settle in. Checking her surroundings, she spied a scarred wooden box trimmed in hammered metal. You old fool" the words slid pat her lips as she crawled across the pillows. She opened the box. Inside cork stoppered glass vials were set deep into velvet padded holes. Of the eight potions within she drew one out. His habits were the same as they had always been. An unlocked coffer in a camp full of thieves. The arrogance was galling even to her. She closed the lid and removed the stopper. Throwing the vial back like a shot of whiskey, she swallowed the magical substance eagerly.




In moments it started working. The holes in her flesh began to mend. As the wave of healing spread, she jearked reflexivly at the sound of the tent flap flying open. Lilith dropped the vial onto the pillows and turned to face the visitor. A red skinned beauty stood before her. One of her own kind. "Melinda" she said with and edge of contempt in her voice. "Lilith, how nice to see you" the other said echoing her distain. "I though Octavious' lap dog was off fetching something of great value." Melinda's skin bristled defensively echoing the other signs of guardedness she observed in her rival. Melinda was her junior in every respect. Though she acted every part her equal.

There were no rules of conduct among her kind everything was fair game. Feature for feature they were matched in their physical glory. Lilith favored the darker features of the Castillian women, where Melinda resembled the fairer women common the the empire.
"Don't be jealous Melinda, I have not come here to intrude."
Lilith needed to establish control over the encounter. In the past she would have crafted a convenient lie, thereby casting doubt over her intentions. She was not like that anymore. Though Melinda was not worthy of full disclosure.
"I came here to recover my wounds. I will be gone on the 'morrow."
"Losing your touch I see, like the time in Pela."
"Nothing of the sort, my dear."
The incident Melinda had referred to took place more than a thousand years ago. The cliff top palace was home to prince Shyzaad. His father controlled an impressive fleet of ships. Shyzaad's family had intended for him to wed a wealthy Thessian family's daughter. Shyzaad's father did not want his son to enter marriage inexperienced in the ways of love making. Lilith was presented to the prince as a teacher. Her true nature was not know to the family only her reputation as an experienced tutor.

The young prince was principled and honorable. He understood his father's intentions, but had other ideas about how he would greet his betrothed. He had met the princess on one of her visits years ago and was truly in love with the girl. As such he rejected every advance from the succubus.