hit counter code The Promise 5
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The Promise 5



His resolve was equal to her charms. When it became clear that she would have no congress with the prince her anger flared. This boy would not reject her!" Drawing on her supernatural strength she held him fast. Her allure was not registering in the boy's mind, but his body was eager for the lesson.

What Lilith had not known at the time was the princes' bodyguard had concealed himself in the room. Before she even knew he was in the room he fell upon her with such ferocity that it was all she could do to escape with her life.

The bodyguard was worth every polished coin the prince was pauing him, In the few moments it took her to escape he had made a mess of her. The healing necessary to repair her body required the talents of a local healer and a return trip home. Her recovery, or rather,her failure became the subject of much maligning in her circles. Melinda didn't have many things to hold over the senior succubus so she never missed an opportunity to rub salt in the old wound.

To Lilith the matter was no longer a point of soreness. She was just tired of having it lorded over her like it still mattered. For now it was enough to sleep this one off and get back to business first thing tomorrow. The incessant pounding outside did nothing to delay her slumber.