hit counter code Silverhawk NPC
the World






Half-Elf Ranger

This young woman is just 20 years old, with silvery-white, silky hair to the middle of her back, cerulean blue eyes, gently pointed ears and smooth, tanned skin. Of small stature, she stands just a bit over 5' and weighs 110 lbs, but she is lean and athletic. Silverhawk is strikingly beautiful.

Her father was human, her mother elvish, and she was born in the forests around Angel's Reach. When she was just 5, Goblins from the Eastern Alps raided her village, killing, raping pillaging and burning. Her parents went down fighting, and a Half-Elf Ranger friend of her father managed to rescue the young Silverhawk and carry her to safety... they alone survived the slaughter. The Ranger was "Nightshade," a known goblin-hunter, and he took the young girl in and raised her as his own. He had already adopted an orphaned human female - "Taengelwood" - who was then 10, and an Elvish orphan boy he rescued after finding him alive in a wicker crib in a tree home, his goblin-slaughtered family skewered on stakes on the forest floor below. He named him "Skinner," and the boy was 4 at the time. (Nightshade and his elvish wife Bria had never been able to have children of their own.)

Taengelwood, Silverhawk and Skinner were raised to be Rangers and goblin-hunters, and all three developed deadly skills, tracking and hunting through the forests, laying snares and traps, setting up ambushes. They learned to survive in the wilderness. Mostly, they learned their enemies... Goblins. Silverhawk's primary enemy is Goblin, and she knows their language, can read their writings, knows their anatomy and weak points, habits, tactics and even psychology. "Know your enemy as you know thyself," her adopted father always said, and she does. Her hatred of goblinkind is a restrained, chillingly cold menace, and she is utterly ruthless, without mercy when dealing with them, male or female, adult or child.