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The Madrigala

A Prestige Class, becoming one of the Madrigala is a Calling exclusively reserved for female Paladins. St. Rosalyn of Madrigala was the original founder, taking her directions from Cuthbert himself, and St. Catherine of Notrenoc, guided through visitations from St. Rosalyn, was its greatest member, setting the example and continuing to serve as a role model. The "Sisters of the Madrigala" serve the Church as roving champions of justice, and fit into the organization as lethal weapons of the Holyl arsenal. Found alone, in pairs or in small clusters, the Madrigala are known to take some direction from the Church, but it is accepted that in general, they take their orders from a higher power (the Saints and Cuthbert), so they are not necessarily under Church rule. They can be asked to perform a task, but few members of the clergy are willing to order them to do something. Although respectful of the clergy and their authority, the Madrigala are ever watchful of Church corruption.

When a young female paladin receives her calling, it usually comes first in the form of saintly visitations (in dreams or while awake), followed by the appearance of a group of the Madrigala. She is taken into seclusion for several days, her new roles and the requirements of the Order are explained, and then she is re-baptised. This not only cleanses her of sin, but imbues her with new understanding, purpose and abilities. She is given new clothing and armor (traditionally leather or light steel, cut in a revealing fashion in honor of St. Catherine's prostitute past) and given new weapons. Usually these are twin, magical, katana-like swords with which the convert suddenly not only finds herself proficient, but able to use with both hands simultaneously. Customarily she will be given a long hooded cloak, crimson or deep purple on the inside to signify the Church, and black on the outside to symbolize the dread she must face and the dark nature of what she must do... battle the forces of evil.

All clergy and paladins are required to fight against evil, but most do so in a general sense, and often on a battlefield. The Madrigala, however, are rarely found in large scale warfare. Their role is one of stealth, infiltration, assassination and single combat. They hunt the undead, stalk black mages, and face down powerful Outsiders, from Hags to Half-Fiends, Devils to Demons. They also free slaves and defend the weak. They are serious women, not much for conversation, and deadly in their purpose.

The Madrigala do not get along well with the Holy Inquisition or any of its affiliates, and are frequently (ever so quietly) used by the Church to keep that organization in line. The Sisters consider Inquisitors to be just short of evil, and will barely be civil with them, always scrutinizing their activities for signs of straying from Church doctrine and control. They are baffled by the fact that Inquisitor Clerics are still granted prayed-for spells, considering what they do. The greatest problem is that the Madrigala are few, the Inquisition is a large organization, and they have other responsibilities to attend to. So great is the enmity between the two groups that open combat - even within sacred cathedrals - is not unheard-of. At the very least, Madrigala and Inquisitors are cold and hostile with one another. The Sisters will not generally oppose Inquisitors of high station when the policies and legitimate interests of the Church are being carried out (they are faithful servants of Cuthbert after all, and generally stick to the "party line,") but they don't have to like it.

The Inquisition outright despises the Madrigala. Not only do they have the nasty tendency to meddle in and disrupt Inquisitorial affairs, but they show no respect for the office. How can one claim to be a champion against the forces of evil, and not support the Holy Inquisition, a body dedicated to that very purpose? Hypocrites! They resent the Madrigala for their failure to remain obedient to higher Church authority (the sisters are not ordained, and are merely nuns in their eyes, regardless of a paladin status), and their superior attitude when dealing with Inquisitors. Don't they realize who they are talking to? And the way they dress! Sinful! Completely without humility, creating temptation of the flesh, little more than whores and destined for damnation. How fitting that their role model, St. Catherine, was a prostitute. The Inquisition's list of those whom they wish to see destroyed is long, and the Madrigala are at the top of it.

Madrigala are sworn to vows of chastity, and are deeply devout. Wealth is necessary only for travel and survival. Despite their grim and bloody responsibility, they still follow the principles of charity, care for the sick, mercy (but not for evil) and all the goodly precepts of nuns and paladins. Most are quiet in nature, and many appear to be somewhat sad.