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Titles and Hierarchy

The titles and authority of priests can be confusing. The following is a basic description of the assorted titles and positions within the Church, and their respective responsibilities. It is in order of authority, top to bottom;

CARDINAL Supreme mortal leader of the Church, elected by vote upon the death of the previous Cardinal, serves for life. His word is final.

NUNCIO A singular position, elevated above Archbishop, who serves as the Cardinal's personal ambassador. Arguably the second most powerful person in the Church. Although based in the Basillica, the Nuncio travels, bringing the Cardinal's commands and authority with him.

ARCHBISHOP Elevated above Bishop, this man is responsible for an Archdiocese, a geographic group of separate diocese.

PREFECT An elevated title, of Bishop or Archbishop level, with high administrative authority; ie, "Bishop Aldo Novia, Prefect of Trade, Diocese of Victorius."

BISHOP The priest in charge of a diocese, a geographical area which incorporates numerous parishes.

PRELATE The priest responsible for a territorial area which is not yet developed enough to be called a diocese. The next promotion level for this priest is Bishop.

GRAND INQUISITOR A Prelate level position, sometimes with the added title of Monsignor, responsible specifically for executing the offices of the Inquisition. Bishop is the next level of promotion for Grand Inquisitors.

MONSIGNOR A title of honor and respect, usually given to a Prelate, in recognition for his contributions to the Church.

VICAR The priest in charge of a group of parishes within a diocese (or a prelature, if not yet a diocese) who also has responsibility for an individual parish. Answers to either a Prelate or a Bishop. A diocese may have only two or three Vicars, or a dozen, depending upon size.

ABBOT A priest responsible for a geographic area which includes a Mission or an Abbey (where he will be based,) who also has the duties of a single parish priest. Often found in remote or extremely rural areas.

CURATE A priest of Parish level, who assists a Vicar as a sort of "Number Two," although they are subordinate to Abbots. The Curate may or may not have responsibility for his own parish. In addition, the Curate is usually tasked with the care of a library, archives or restoration/preservation of Church art and relics.

RECTOR A priest of parish level, responsible for the administration of a school or university. Usually has responsibility for the parish in which the school is placed.

PASTOR The basic building block of the Church, the priest responsible for a single parish.

DEACON An ordained member of the clergy, a young priest serving under a more experienced one. Typically, those young men who graduate the seminary are ordained as Deacons, and serve a period of apprenticeship before being elevated and given their own parish.