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Chronicle for January 15th 2008

Saturday April 13th 1428 Imperial Calendar

The sub-level of the tower had been fully searched revealing more forgotten items and the remains of Some poor forgotten soul. Celeste organized the systematic removal of the items of value from the basement and had them moved to the entry level for storage. Once this task was accomplished it was agreed that further exploration of the tower without rest was not prudent. Calais and mouse had inspected the stair that ascended the tower and found strange erosion on the first landing. It was resolved that a watch would be established to keep an eye on the stairs and the front door.

Calais took first watch, observing that the two Vorsemen children had taken to Silverhawk as a surrogate mother. The three of them slept with Silverhawk sacrificing comfort and freedom of movement allowing the children to nestle close. Calais heard a strange grumbling sound. Following the sound to its source he discoverd that the blackened chamber atop the landing was occupied by some large creature. The grumbling sound was the creatures stomach, unable to disguise the desire to eat. The discovery of some unidentified creature upstairs prompted Calais to waken Silverhawk as a backup. The two of them kept vigil over the party fending off solicitations from the creature for food.

The watches continued throughout the night. Each watch discoursing dialogue with the creature; now identified as a black dragon of unknown age. The last watch was given to Enzo Vittorio. Concern was evident on Celeste face as she passed the responsibility over to the dragon shaman. Enzo too spoke with the dragon. The content of the conversation was different but the end result was the same.

What has happened to me? I couldn't do anything. Cowering in the corner like a frightened schoolgirl... Never again.

Sunday April 14th 1428 Imperial Calendar

The dragon had revealed that the apprentice outside in the wood was the last to possess the master’s ring. The ring of Laric was necessary to avoid many of the pitfalls and enchantments associated with the tower. A quick search of the apprentices hut revealed the ring. The dragon knew his only opportunity for release was with the ring. he had tried everything in his arsenal trying to escape. eventually he went into hibernation anticipating the opportunity before him.

Now Enzo with Laric’s ting stood before the dragon. The unnatural darkness had abated as a sign of trust from the dragon. Enzo could plainly see the dragon had not aged since entering his slumber and remained a dragon of some fifty years maturity. He was a youthful dragon, but any dragon was lethal and Enzo knew it. In the end Enzo released the dragon from his bonds. As the dragon cautiously departed the room, wary of trickery or ambush. Enzo called after him. “The chains that bound you. What was the phrase of binding?” Turning his sparkling obsidian head he call out “With this ring and my word I bind thee”. Turning toward the stairs The dragon Calphalon descended. At the base the wizard Casper and the Celeste we unable to face the radiant power of the dragon, fleeing to an antechamber for safety. Calphalon stopped briefly in the main room, passing a studious eye across the room. Once satisfied he departed and took wing. Enzo followed the dragon and watched until he disappeared behind the canopy of the trees.

With the dragon gone the stairs were clear and the party could proceed. The dragons room was nothing more than a cell with a chain bolted to a heavy pillar. Further up the stair the party moved to a landing with three doors visible down the hall. Mouse quickly went to work on the doors. The first room looked to be an unused guest room. THe next some kind of a waste collection room. The end of the hall held a door with a room number attached to it. The number 13 hung from the door. Using additional caution Mouse determined that it could be opened, but suggested that the someone else open the door. A flash of magic light discharged with the opening of the door and madness descended on the rogue. Corman, who had volunteered to to open the door saw a marked difference in Mouse’s countenance. In an attempt to subdue Mouse Corman attempted to trip him, thereby making him easier to subdue. The attempt backfired and now Corman found himself flat on his bak at the feet of a maddened hit-man. Enzo attempted to grapnel Mouse from behind only to be rebuffed by his flashing dagger. Desperation was growing in Mouse’s eyes. Triggering the poison capsuel in the scabbard of his short sword he prepared to play for keeps. Enzo attempted to strike with the flat of his blade, but mouse was to quick for the precarious blows. As Mouse’s eyes measured the threats against him seeking to quiet an opponent Casper asserted his will from the top of the stairs. “Hold!” The words rang out in the narrow hall and Mouse ceased his aggression.

The party, knowing the skill set of the rogue and aware of his maddened state was in a quandary as to how to keep him from hurting anyone in the party. Then Enzo remember the chains that bound the dragon and the charm that would activate them. Using the time while Mouse was still under Casper’s control to strip him of his lethal tools. They bound him to the chains.

Regrouping at the door that had caused Mouse to go mad the party moved inside. It was a wizard’s laboratory. Standing on the workbench was a tiny electric blue goblin. He introduced himself as XXXXX and announced that he was a familiar. His contract to Laric had expired some years ago and he was looking for a new contract. Casper quickly interview the goblin and discovered wondrous advantage to the little goblins company. Without a second thought Casper slew his current familiar. Taking the penalty of separation in exchange for the goblins promised powers.

With the room secure and a new member added to the party they pressed onward to the stairs.

She--She knew this would happen. It was the plan from the beginning... My cell, thats what they were after... No, they need me... Two Fingers, you sold me out you bastard... They wanted me out of the way. Thats it! What are they planning... Capo, I'm supposted to be the Capo... Renni, get ahold of yourself. She's trying to break you. Be strong... One of them. One of them is a mole. Which one... The new wizard?!? She sent hem to check up on me. Well, thats you plan 'eh. Nobody gets the better of me. Spells or no, I will discover your agenda... Is that you Lee? You look nice tonight. Out on a job? Oh, so you have some time to spare. Care to share some puchino? Its hot and ready to serve (just like you)... Dutch! He's movin' in on my action. You'll pay...

This business is getting sticky. I'd rather take my chances with the Grimme. At least ya get a stand up fight. Wizards. Curse the lot of 'em

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