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Chronicle for December 18th 2007

Saturday April 13th 1428 Imperial Calendar

The waning moonlight shone down upon the clearing. An ancient and impressively tall tower pierced the canopy of trees to a height of nearly 200 feet. The ruins of some out-buildings held the remains of recently fallen grimme. Off to the right up a small hill sat a poorly crafted cabin. The chimney of the cabin allowed a thin line of smoke to escape into the night sky.

Before the group could fully assess the situation a noise from the trail indicated someone was behind them. Silverhawk investigated and discovered a man alone in the woods. With a little coaxing he was persuaded to move in the direction of the party where he announce himself to the group. Casper Lovato, was his name. He had been sent by Valdimir to replace Alf. After a brief question and answer shakedown, Celeste welcomed him to the party.

Continuing their survey of the area, the party closed in on the shoddy cabin atop the hill. The poor should residing here was clearly surviving off the unfortunate goblin that should wander near by. Inzerai the, the wizards apprentice was still here after all this time. His condition had changed at sometime in the past; His features and nature betrayed the cures of his lycanthropy.

After a brief long distance exchange with inzeri the decided to leave things better off alone. Returning to the tower the new wizard put his craft to good use identifying the objects enchanted by the wizard within. Under the watchful eyes of the crows on the roofline Casper announced that enchantments were visible to him on the 9-foot statue next to the front door and the door itself. The party elected to check the door for traps before proceeding. Mouse made his way up to the door triggering the ancient magic imbued into the statue. The stone craned his head toward the door and Mouse. Celeste jumped between mouse and the statue bearing the brunt of his attack. Each member of the party in turn closed on the construct unleashing all manner of devastation on the highly defensible opponent. Casper swept his hands in the direction of the front lines hasting the attacks of his new compatriots. The battle continued for less than a minute but the statue managed to bludgeon Sullivan, Corman, and Celeste to a great degree before succumbing to the barrage of attacks from the party.

Once inside the spirit of Rionne Caneda was requited with his fallen corpse and the main level searched Silverhawk was appointed to guard the children in the kitchen while the remainder of the party pressed on.

The next choice was to go up the stairs or down through the trap door.

Electing to explore the lower regions first, Calais cautiously started to descend the iron spiral stairs. The rusted hulk had ceased to be stable ages ago. Using a rope for support he began the descent. Spying a rune filled circle far below he called for the mage to come take a look before proceeding. Casper, undaunted by the condition of the stairs descended the twenty feet to where Calais hung from the rope. As the two of them discussed options the stairs shuttered and collapsed. Narrowly avoiding the mass of twisted steel Casper clung to Calais in the choking rust cloud. Once the dust settled they continued exploring the lower section of the tower. Caster indicated that the runes were some kind of summoning circle and to avoid contact with it.

An adjoining room contained all manner of discarded items from iron maidens to stuffed faeries. The process of itemizing and cataloging consumed the next hour.

Man, this place is a nightmare. The risks are huge and the return (for me) seems disproportionate. Well at least we get to hang out in some rich guys house for a while insted of sloggin through a swamp or some old hags house.

It seems that everything in this tower is animated for one purpose or another. I hope the wisdom of the mages prevails.

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