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Chronicle for October 9th 2007

Tuesday April 9th 1428 Imperial Calendar

Celeste awoke early after a restless night. She was taciturn and focused on departure. After a hasty breakfast the party said its farewells to Enzo.

The western road started out desolate and void of life. Travel was quiet except for Sullivan's singing, which isn't half bad if you don't mind pub songs. By noon Celeste had broken her silence and displayed signs of leadership. Calais was working with Silverhawk, taking turn at point and rear guard. Nightfall arrived without incident. The warmth of the day quickly cooled. Silverhawk's serendipitous discovery of a hidden camp site made for a secure camp allowing for a fire and fresh stew made from scallions and some kind of a potato going wild here.

Enzo enjoyed a rapturous day in the company of Lilith. Fresh fruits, bread, cheese and wine were plentiful thanks to Lilith's bountiful gifts. The day and the night blended together in the steamy quarters of the fallen goblin commander's of the tomb fortress.

Those Trann rangers are still behind us. If they are still behind us won't the run into Enzo?

The windy lakes of Cae'ragh Moor will fill our hearts with pride,
If you prove a worthy wench I'll take you for a bride.

No man in all the lands can bonnie Mary trust.
If I prove to be a man of skill, cunning, and lust.
I'd be among the very first to handle Mary's..

Buster Daniel and his men are riding into town
if err I dared to call myself a proper.......... Belch!

Wednesday April 10th 1428 Imperial Calendar

Sullivan managed a fine breakfast from the leftover onions and the strange potato's. Celeste slept late, and awoke with renewed focus. After a hearty breakfast Silverhawk returned form a short patrol announcing that the road was still clear. Calais suggested that they continue to travel on the road since they were making good time and they were likely to spot any trouble before it spotted them. By afternoon the road began a gentle incline elevating the road above an expansive morass extending in all directions. The road eventually reach a height of ten feet above the blighted swamp. The buzz of insects accompanied occasional ripples on the water. On the whole unpleasant conditions darkened the mood of the party. The absence of Sullivans singing further diminished the spirits of the travelers.

Roused by the sound of a stone tossed into the chamber outside his door Enzo dawned his armor for the first time in a day and a half to investigate. The Trap had been sprung and the two Trann rangers pressed to eliminated the trailing member of the group. Over the next few hours enzo was in a fight for his life. Without backup and outnumbered he managed to immobilize one of the Trann. In doing so he was poisoned. The initial effects were crippling. The effects hadn't run there course and time was against him. Calling for help first from Lilith then Octavious revealed the true nature of his nefarious companions. Octavious' smug indifference to Enzo's plight was a harsh reminder of his place in their eyes.

The remainder of the party was beginning its assault on the crossroads at the base of Butcher's Pass. The camp was defended by a company of grimme and a kindly old grandma watching over the camp forma the porch of her cottage. The cages next to her held two children form a Vorsemen village. Arriving as the sole survivor of a rescue party Corman sought to rescue his niece and nephew for his brother the Chieftain of his clan.

Converging on the crossroads the two parties made short work of the defeners. The Kindly grandma revealed herself to be a trecherous hag. Dropping the boy into a pot of boiling water before fighting to the death with the party. The group managed to save the boy and free his sister by the time Corman arrived at the cottage.

It was at this time a messenger arrive in the guise of the deseased commander Sergeant Hauser. The messenger said he was an associate of Enzo Vittorio and was disguied to concea his true identity. Eventually the messenger reveled himself to be not only a female, but a succubus acting on behalf of Enzo to aid him in his time of need. THis radcal transformation took the group by suprise expecially Celeste.

Ath the late hour it was discussed that somone should ride to aid Enzo before the grimme troops get to him. Nothing was decided yet.But the Vorsemen was the only one with transport that could reach him in time.

Treatin' men like that ain' t right. I don't care if you be grimme or gofer. Suffer the wrath you shall for such an offense.

Can't say I didn't enjoy it. The look on there faces was worth ever hour of training. If they weren't so dull witted I might have been able to sharpen my knife on em'. Woah! did you say succubus. Where do I sign up? Mmm my goodness, Now that is a proper greeting.

A soldier is measured in his ability to do what is asked of him. Comrades seek to prove their value to the unit knowing their role and everyone has your back.

Enzo needs you. If you can't get to him by morning he will be facing reinforcements from the grimme by himself. It will be a few days before he will be in any condition to deal that many grimme. You are his companions please do not fail him. He will not fail you again. I may have a way for him to keep his promise and depart in haste.

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