Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1428
Monday April 8

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - The day began with promise. The corpse of the dragon had been properly skinned. The coins from the dragon treasure were counted and tallied. All seemed primed and ready for departure. Calais announced that the path west was waiting. As everyone prepared to depart it became evident that Enzo was not planning on taking his leave just yet. Alf took a moment to understand Enzo's reasons for staying. The explanation was vague and written off as a form of compensation for the powers he had been granted. Unsatisfied with the answer Alf pressed for more details. Though Enzo continued to provide answers they were still evasive and standoffish.

Eventually the conversation grew to include Celeste. She initially interceded to expedite the departure of the group. The conversation didn't take long devolve into a conversation about the happenings back at The Chalice. Enzo made it clear that he felt Celeste had betrayed him and there was nothing she could do to make amends for that. Celeste attempted to explain her par in the events, but her word fell on deaf ears.

Once the conversation got back around to departure Enzo was unswerving in his desire to remain here for the prescribed week demanded by his benefactors. The debate continued until Silverhawk took notice of an approaching band of soldiers from the north. The soldiers turned out to be a company of grimme flying Bloodhand banners. A hasty plan was made to wait in the tomb of the wraith until the grimme forces moved on.

When the forces arrived and discovered the temple abandoned and the blue dragon destroyed, them settled in and sent runner to bring reinforcements. Upon overhearing the orders from the commanding goblin the party realize the tiny tomb would not accommodate them the long. Reinforcements would likely arrive in a day or two at the most. An escape plan was now needed.

During the escape the party was detected and a prolonged melee nearly claimed the lives of both the rangers. The grimme were not much of a challenge, but the D'Drooga beast was more than capable of cutting the life string in short order. The unnecessary encounter ended with the grimme dead or scattered to the four winds. Enzo seemed not to notice or care that his need to stay behind had imperiled his fellow solders.

By the time the encounter had run its course the hour was too late to journey out. So the party camped at the temple for a third night.

Once the party was settled in for the night Enzo returned to the commander's chamber and into the arms of Lilith. Thou no one said anything about the strange noises coming from the commanders chamber, it was clear that Enzo was not alone, nor was he unstated in his sequestering.

Tomorrow we shall depart at first light. Enzo, will have to catch up. Remember you are in the emperors service and you are expected to follow orders and support the mission. Further disruptions to our mission will meet with corrective action.

Be safe...

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