Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1428
Sunday April 7

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - Morning was ushered in with aromatic scent of flatbread and melodic humming from Sullivan. The day started out hot and proceeded to get hotter. Traversing the foothills and following the road the party continued west. The greener foothills gave way to sage and windblown rock. The chalky surface became more modeled as they continued their trek west.
Mounds of pumice and jagged obsidian dominated the landscape. Eventually yielding to a small lake. The lake spilled its contents into a ravine to the north. a fortress of sorts was cut from the living rock. Is sat astride the lake and overlooked the ravine. The wester road traveled through the tomb of the ancients and split. One road breaking north, the other continuing west.
Sitting atop the ancient tomb was an enormous blue dragon. Crackling with electricity the azure nightmare retreated from sight.
Enzo, confident with the foreknowledge of this encounter, strode confidently toward the tomb. With much trepidation the party followed suit. The dragon reappeared atop the tomb. Listing the party’s options, Azzilpiticus (the dragon) engaged the party with riddles. Successfully answering the three riddles the group was allowed to pass through the tomb of the ancients and continue on the western road. The Raketooth goblins within had a different idea when it came to allowing humans through their checkpoint.
The ambush within the tomb was engaged and seemed to be well in hand when the leadership elements arrived from the lower chambers.

The tomb is over 3 and 1/2 centuries old. The race known as the Goh-Bahlin were said to have ruled during this time. Arts, sciences, language, law, music and religion were all said to have flourished in their culture. Consider that man during the same time period was still trying to master control of fire.

These ancient Kings were exalted Justicars (Protectors of law, Keepers of history, and respected by all). The rule of law once reigned supreme here were now the rule of might is the law of the land.

St. Catherine I seek your guidance. I am adrift in a sea of chaos. Lend me you counsel, guide my hand. I have ne’er been this alone. I share the company of people who desire to see this quest through, but I fear I am failing them. Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti (Forgive us our trespasses).

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator -

Clearing the tomb of its final occupants proved to be a substantial task. The entrenched grimme commanders valiantly attempted to maintain control of the protecting crossroads. Their efforts were in vein. A search of the remaining tombs found that only one was undisturbed. The Justicar buried within had been disturbed in his final burial. The transgression was so great as to produce a vengeful wraith.

Dispatching the wraith generated some trepidation. Fortune prevented any vile displacement of negative energy. The party now clear of the danger investigated the tomb. Once the lid was removed they discovered that only the skeletal hand and fore arm of the occupant retained any cohesive shape. All else was dust. Interspersed in the sarcophagus were bejeweled items of value. One in particular caught Enzo’s attention. The necklace clutched within the skeletal hand was a subtle foreshadowing of the curse contained within.
The cursed object would not allow Enzo to depart the tomb nor could he set it down. None within the party had the means to rid him of the cursed item. Seeking solace Enzo dismissed the party. In the darkness of the tomb he called upon Lilith. She materialized in the chamber without delay. Alas the cure was beyond her powers. She sought out Octavius to deal with the affliction.
Octavius was more than happy to remove the burden. In his wisdom he informed Enzo that the dragon above was not to be trusted. He lied about the cooperation of the grimme in passing through the checkpoint. Why would he keep his word about letting the party go without further harassment.

Emerging a short time later from the tomb sans cursed item raised a few eyebrows in the party. Namely Alf and Celeste. Celeste was quick to question the origin of the power that released him from his bond. Alf too wanted some explanation. None was forthcoming from Enzo that resolved the issue to anyones satisfaction.

The mood darkened as Celeste pressed the issue and other behaviors she had been witness to. Enzo was quick to remind her of her role in this matter. Celeste, sensing no traction and division rising, tabled the issue.

The party prepared to continue its journey westward when Enzo pulled Alf and Calais aside to inform them of his desire to confront Azzilipticus. The blood-drained faces of his comrades confirmed the boldness of his plan. Sensing further complications Calais volunteered to explain the plan to the remainder of the party. The fact that only Alf and Calais would be allowed to support the assault was clearly divisive.

Speaking to Celeste in confidence, Calais revealed some of his own misgivings regarding the venture. Celeste was concerned about the future of the quest should the attack fail. She too questioned Calais sworn oath. He was quick to remind her that he would be true to his word. Celeste agreed that it was in the best interest of all to dispatch the dragon even under dubious circumstances. She did not ask for Calais to forswear his aid to Enzo.

Enzo departed the protective shelter of the tomb. Inviting dialogue with the dragon he was invited to ascend the dune to state his terms. Enzo knew he needed to get within 30 feet of the great blue in order to effect his magic. Using his guile and all but calling the dragon a coward for fear of allowing Enzo to approach. Enzo managed to close the gap between them. Summoning the power from Wyrm. He dawned the shadowy glove of death. The dragon was aware of a plotting adventurers, but failed to sense the lethal tough that awaited him. The showdown was upon them. Enzo displaying enormous courage and faith was the quicker of the two. In moments Azzilipticus was a memory. His life snatched faster than a gamblers winnings.

In the aftermath Enzo claimed the javelin, shield and mithril shirt contained in the dragon’s trove. By way of celebration Enzo claimed another prize that had previously eluded him. Lilith was all to happy to reward her valiant warrior.

It is a deed worthy of great acclaim. Enzo, you have managed a great feat. I stand in awe of your accomplishment.


Enzo, it has been several weeks since we were released from The Chalice. In all this time you never asked me what happened. It is my shame that I did not ask you, but much of what transpired was evident. When I saw that they did to you I was stricken. I prayed for days thereafter. Words I spoke to heaven I should have said to you.

I know you blame me for what has happened. There is some truth in that. I accepted the risk that my oath was in peril. I had never known feelings like those I have for you. I was willing to set it all a side to be with you.

The next morning when you left. I was conflicted. I knew I would see you again and that we may find happiness in one another. Then the reality of my situation was revealed. St. Catherine would no longer confide in me. My powers were vacant. I needed spiritual guidance. Father Illusious had heard my confessions in the past. I was desperate to regain what I had lost; surely you can understand what it means to lose power?

Had I thought for a moment that my confession would travel beyond the sanctity of the confessional? That those I had trusted and confided in the past would-- I would have born the burden myself. Never would I have given them power to do you harm.

Now, as I look in your eyes I see distain. There was once love, passion, and power in that gaze. I would like to believe that I could be redeemed in your eyes. Though that will not stop me from seeing this injustice corrected.

I pledge my sword and my heart to see justice done. Help me finish this quest. Restore what has been sundered and bring might and purpose to our cause!


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