Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1428
Saturday April 6

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - The next morning the party set out early following the trail of the Trann for a while then diverting to the river in an attempt to avoid ambushes or traps. Reaching an overlook point they spied an abandoned tree stand. Below them they could see a small lake. At the edge of the lake the trail continued from The Chalice down to the valley floor. A bridge carried the road across the river and the falls beyond. Before them was an expanse of trees. If there was going to be an ambush it was going to be here the party agreed. With this knowledge they divided into two groups. Mouse and Calis forming the stealth element and Alf, Enzo, Celeste, and Sullivan forming the other. Celeste lead her group down the main road. The plan was to have Alf use his magic to appear like Silverhawk and they were to act like they were making their escape. Calais and Mouse in the interim would sneak down and release Silverhawk in the confusion.

The plan was set into action, but it quickly became apparent that a wild card was at play here a 3,000 pound dire bear made this grove his home and would likely attack anyone whom he could sniff out.

When the attack came it was fast and furious. An arrow into the dire bear from one of the grimme started the ambush. Calais managed to spot Silverhawk immobilized in a thicket of trees. While battling the grimme and avoiding the bear they managed to free Silverhawk and repel the Trann. The bear baiting backfired on one of the Trann who became dinner for the bear after Alf struck him down with a Sound Lance.

I was careless yesterday, please forgive me. Thank you for coming to my aid. I will not let you down again...

Damn if my feet aren't killing me. If I ever get my hand on those gray skinned gophers I'll pull them apart with my bare hands and reduce them to a putty paste with my hammer. No man should have to endure that kind of assault. Its jut plane cowardly.

Who's the man...

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - The wind ravaged bridge at St. James Crossing commanded the attention of the party. Loose shale on either side of the road forced the party to traverse the path. A quick clearing of the tomb of St. James yielded a few artifacts, moreover it provided clear evidence of a troll in the vicinity.

Cautiously approaching the second bridge Celeste and Enzo formed a defensive wall against potential frontal attacks. Moments after starting their advance across the near side of the bridge a female troll hurled herself into the midst of the group. Never quite fully occupying space on the bridge. Swinging her mammoth stone hammer she attempted to decimate the party from it's center. Managing only to inflict minor damage she garnered the attention of the entire group and in short order was sent spilling into the deathly fall below.

Regrouping on the bridge Sullivan took time to call upon St. James at the original resting place of his shrine. In doing so, he completely healed Enzo’s injuries from the encounter with the troll.

Silverhawk spotted an obelisk that had been recently erected. The party gathered around the object reading the words of challenge from Stahl First born of the Masif Septius Suprime Warlord of the Nine Fists Champion of Khorne. (brother of the fallen commander of the grimme killed in combat at Grimme Gate). Mouse took the opportunity to relive himself on the chiseled rock in defiance of the battle lords challenge.

The remaining descent into the valley was without incident. The crossroads leading to Hax showed signs of an abandoned encampment of company strength.

Continuing until nightfall, following the western road at a safe distance, the party bedded down for the night at the edge of a marsh. Excepting perhaps the hill giant hunting bison on the ridge high above, the site was sufficiently hidden from the road and safe from potential hazards.

Once the sun set a cloud of mosquitoes descended on the party. Quick thinking and resourcefulness by Lord Hellebore offered up a solution in the form of a repellant salve. During the time it took to brew up the salve, Mouse took up watch outside the small sandy floored cave. His city-bred nature would prove to be a distraction later in the night. Discards from his trail rations dropped near the cave entrance would later draw giant ants to the campsite. Neglecting the agreed watch order Mouse awakened Enzo for the next watch.

Early in his watch a grimme patrol mate its way from the unexplored road to the west, east toward the crossroads and Hax. Once the patrol had passed Enzo wasted no time summoning Lilith. Her dark sultry form coalesced form the darkness at the edge of the swamp. Her maidenly form, as arresting as a heart attack, settled in beside Enzo for a cool conversation.

The exchange was rife with suggestive overtones, her subtle advances did not go unnoticed or unregistered by Enzo. The two of them continued their discourse for a short time before Lilith revealed some foreshadowing of tomorrows events. “One of your kind will cross your path on the ‘morrow” With that she departed toward the morass.

Calais was next to take watch. Much to his chagrin ants, of a size and nature unfriendly at best, had been drawn here by Mouse’s carless discards. Awaking the nearest party member, Calais brought Silverhawk out of a deep sleep. The two of them took time to relocate the scraps away from the cave. Thereby avoiding an unwanted encounter.

An alluring perfume clung to the area where Lilith had been earlier. The ferimone charged particles had an unsettling effect on Silverhawk. She became aware of her suppressed desires and took control of her them in the only manner her few years of experience could manage. She excused herself from Calais’ company. Attempting to quiet her passions with distance only afforded her a restless repose.

After waking Mouse for a second watch (as punishment for is carelessness) Calais used his diplomatic nature to convince Mouse that he was getting a second watch because there had been trouble earlier and only he could be relied upon to measure the hours with care. Satisfied in having curried favor with Calais, Mouse settled in for his watch.


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