Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1428
Monday March 30 - Friday April 5

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - The early part of the week was spent acclimating the rangers to their new task. Silverhawk and Lord Hellebore honed their verbal and non verbal skills while observing activities of the grimme. On Tuesday they came across a marker placed by the Trann rangers of the grimme. Calais identified the markers as an indicator to some unseen force of goblins waiting for an opportunity to strike against the human defenses. The marker indicated unsafe passage.

Friday the marker had been changed to indicate clear passage. Fearing an ambush or attack the party resolved to move out a day early to avoid unnecessary conflict this early on in their quest. After notifying commander Dunne is was decided that the commander would conduct a heavy patrol down the road to meet or repel any possible attack by the grimme. This would also act as a covering maneuver to hide the descent of the party as they moved through the wooded forest below down to the river.

The trail was slushy and the footing unsteady at best. Moving as a tight group they eventually reached the river. Continuing down the mountain they could hear the sounds of battle across the valley. Surely The Fury was unleashing some of her pent up aggressions on the grimme.

Steering clear of the road the party moved adjacent to the river on followed narrow deer trails that often peaked above the tree line. As nightfall closed in Silverhawk discovered they were being followed, but didn't manage to get a good look at the creature. Calais made a routine reconnaissance of the camp an managed to identify a troll lurking 200 feet from the camp. The troll appeared to be hiding and waiting. Perhaps he would try to use the cover of night to aid his attack...

Calais organized the party in an attempt to flank the troll with himself, Silverhawk and Mouse moving behind the troll with the main force coming at the troll directly. Silverhawk was the first to gain the attention of the troll within seconds it bore down on her. Fearing a direct attack she fled while the remainder of their advanced element punished the troll with ranged weapons.

Soon the troll was eliminated, but a frantic search for oil to kill the troll kept the party busy. Soon it was discovered that during the melee Silverhawk had disappeared. Calais quickly determined that she had been captured. Likely Trann rangers. Enzo expressed his need to remain behind splitting the party further. Celeste and Calais agreed that they would set out after Silverhawk with only a few minutes of daylight remaining. Mouse slipped crossing the icy stream and had to return to camp to dry off. The balance of the group set out in search of Silverhawk. As the final light faded Calais relented his pursuit. Facing an enemy in the dark who had a clear advantage was fool hearty. The turned back to camp.

In the interim Lilith visited Enzo and explained the process and working of his newly acquired magic.

The party soon returned and settled in for the night.

At some point we need to make use of the road. If we stay out here in the trees and thickets we will add unnecessary delay to our quest. As I understand it, we are under some pressure to get there as soon as possible to arrive before any forces from the grimme discover the abbey.

I think we are well enough behind the lead elements of grimme to hasten our travel.

Trolls! Damn if that don't sully cracked toast. Give me half a minute and a clear swinging path and we'll be back to poundin' stakes and propin' canvas 'fore dark.

Hell, we're not a league from home and I've spent the better part of the day sloggin' through slush and courtin' tree branches. Maybe this troll will give us somethin' to stir the blood.


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