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Chronicle for October 23rd 2007

Thursday April 11th 1428 Imperial Calendar

The day began with Lilith arriving at the tomb of the ancients. She had managed to concoct a way for Enzo to meet his obligation to Octavius and depart before the Grimme forces descended upon the tomb. She also brought tidings of an eminent rescue from the party. A single horseman would be arriving in the early dawn hours to extricate him from the tomb in his weakened condition.

The escape plan was barely cooked when a strike force descended on the tomb. Enzo and Lilith heard the approach of a lone rider. His arrival triggered an attack by elements of the Raketooth brigade of the Bloodhand. The swift and brutal attack proved to be ineffectual against the raw speed of Corman's steed. Though the departure was not without its injury. Once the tomb was behind the pair there was little the hit squad could do.

Sixty miles away, Calais and the remainder of the party were moving swiftly on foot to meet the embattled pair. Calais assigned Silverhawk the duty of finding a good ambush spot on the road to aid the retreating riders. Silverhawk stumbled upon a hunting party of goblin bulls (teenagers). The group was in the midst of hunting boar in the tall grasses of the open planes. Silverhawk selfishly used the occasion to test her skill against a number of you goblins. The encounter was resolved in her favor, but the waste of time and munitions curried no favor with the senior ranger, Calais.

The arrival of the two riders found Enzo in rare form. Managing to maintain a level of inebriation usually reserved for sailors on shore leave. Enzo was uncharacteristically candid and given to humor. A few comments regarding the lusty nature of his companionship these last days sobered Celeste's mood and set the party packing westward to avoid a confrontation with a Division of goblin soldiers.

Prepared to fight against whatever pursued the riders the party fell back to the crossroads. The forced march found them in the scavenger ravaged camp well after midnight.

I am sorry for my reckless behavior. I will not dissapoint you again.

Perhaps I should have unsderstood the meaning of quest prior to departing The Chalice. We may have several week ahead of us before we rech the Abbey.

Friday April 12th 1428 Imperial Calendar

First light arrived with no sign of the grimme. A hasty departure took the party further down the great western road. The road was absent of traffic of any kind. It wasn't until they reached a mobilizing brigade of Hacksling goblins was the decision made to attempt the crossing to the land of the Vorsemen and the Westvahl.

That night a strange specter wandered near the camp. The unsettled spirit claimed to be a young wizard slain in a tower two mile into the wood. He offered to assist the party if they would but claim his remains and put them to rest. The caveat being that his remains were writhin the tower of Laric. A legendary mage, who's age and disposition remain a mystery.

A brief congress of the party found them agreed to attempt to retrieve the remains and free the young wizard form his cursed state.

If that ghost-spirit wizard shows the slightest sign of causin' trouble I'll banish him so far that the devil himself wild have to hire a search party just to claim his soul.

Enzo, we will meet again. Take care not to harm that body. Its as much mine as it is yours.

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