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Chronicle for March 11th 2008

Sunday April 14th 1428 Imperial Calendar

The knowledge contained with the tower of Laric proved to be inspiring to the young wizard Casper. A burning desire to study the tomes and scroll of the ancient master compelled him to seek the solace of the amulet. Enzo, Sullivan, Casper, and Melicore made the journey into the amulet while the others remained behind. Though they were only gone less than a minute in the prime material they spent three days sampling the the serenity, comfort and pleasure of the late wizard’s magical retreat.

Fully rejuvenated and ready to take on the Trann and whatever else lay in store for them they prepared for the epic confrontation to come. Before that could occur they needed to reduce their liabilities. It was agreed that Casper and Corman would travel to the lands of the Vorsemen to deliver Larsen and Anna to their father, the tribal chief. Mouse too would take the journey. His mental state may be repaired by the enigmatic druids of the Vorsemen.

Sullivan offered an option to flush out the Trann. He attached a note to on of the 3 pigeons he had been packing. It wasn’t likely the Trann would allow a message to escape. As anticipated the bird met a quick demise. Silverhawk and Calais were able to detect the location of on of their pursuers. Casper had an idea and wanted a look for himself. Another bird was released and too was eliminated. Spotting his prey Casper unleashed a nightmare on the lone Trann. In a moment the grimme ranger’s heart stopped. It was now or never. According to the plan Corman was next to act. Rasing a mist to conceal their exidous until they could reach the tree line and better cover. Charging out into the open Corman was able to effect his plan. One by one the others followed.

Moving with unnatural haste the group traveled back down the ancient road that had guided them here. It wasn’t long before more grimme appeared to avenge their fallen mate. Moving invisibly in the midst of the part the wizard believed himself to be somewhat protected. A volley of arrows launched from the right flank removed any sense of security he may have mustered. The glint off the goblin assassin’s glasses told the mage all he need to know to solve the mystery of his failed protection.

A second Trann had revealed his location on the left side of the trail. His arrows mostly ineffectual against Celeste’s chain mail. Moving swiftly as a group through the narrow forest path was risky and my yet prove fatal, but they would face the dangers together.

Sullivan - Damn waste of good pigeon meat...

Silverhawk - Stay close, move fast, keep alert. This is the real test. I will be equal to the task or die trying. You can count on me.

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