Twilight Game Group
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6:30 PM
Chronicle for March 25th 2008

Sunday April 14th 1428 Imperial Calendar

With the battle fully engaged, the the tide of battle seemed to favor the Grimme. Corman charged into the woods in order to silence the Trann assassin only to be ambushed by Raketooth warriors. Casper dove for cover into the nearest bush only to find the martial skill of a weaponless Grimme waiting to pummel him. Silverhawk in an attempt to assist Casper exposed her back to a poison arrow from a second Trann, rendering her unconscious. Sullivan was jumped by an enormous Grimme fighter. Between the brutal assault and the shared damaged he was using to shelter the wizard he was fading fast.

At the leading edge of the party, Enzo and Celeste gave better than they got. Effectively reducing the front lines to quivering flesh. Calais traded shots with the assassins, eventually turning the tables on the masters of stealth. With a devastating surprise attack the lead Trann ranger that had been tracking the party since departing the Chalice was dead.

The remainder of the party was just emerging from the grips of the entangling grasses and roots summoned by the Trann rangers. The distant sound of Boar riders cast a renewed urgency on the parties condition. With only seconds to spare before the boar riders entered the fray the party managed to share what healing they could to prepare for the next wave. With all the Trann dead at least they had and opportunity for evasion if given the opportunity.





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