Twilight Game Group
Experience Awards:
Next session
April 22nd
6:30 PM
Chronicle for April 8th 2008

Sunday April 14th 1428 Imperial Calendar

Stahl’s boar riders represented the enforcement arm of his army. Having dispatched the tracking element. Stahl was effectively blind if he lost sight of his prey. Well aware of this situation, The attackers seemed fueled by rage and fear.

Enzo, Celeste, and Sullivan formed the first line of defense between the party and their avenue of escape. Silverhawk, Calais, and Casper punished the approaching riders with spells and arrows. Softened by the barrage the boar riders entered the fray without hesitation. Under the heat of the attack the front line bucked, but did not break. One of the boar riders flanked the defensive front and plunged into the rear ranks of the party. Silverhawk was the first to feel his wrath. Unable to withstand the attacks she crumbled to the ground barely conscious. Casper, witnessing her plight place his body between the raging grimme and Silverhawk. Weathering the storm of his fury he gave Silverhawk time to extricate herself from the melee. Enzo took the opportunity to heal her before returning to his role holding the front line. It was evident that it was time to fall back. Sullivan was first to pull back to a defensive position atop the nearby sinkhole. One by one the party joined him in the retreat. Enzo was the last to give ground. Calais and Corman managed a hasty withdraw using Corman’s steed.

The chaos of the fighting retreat was aggravated when archers lined the upper rim of the sink hole. Unchecked they poured down arrows on the party. As Corman attempted to cross a fallen tree bridging the pond at the bottom of the defile enchanted words paralyzed his steed. Wasting no time Calais bailed off and moved to take cover from the arrows. Corman made a desperate attempt to move his horse, to no avail. With a whispered farewell, he too withdrew.

Trapped on the other side of the horse, facing the full force of the grimme Sullivan unleashed his full fury on any within reach. Even in his full fury he eventually succumbed to the numbers arrayed before him. The noble warrior priest fell before the waves of attacks. Powerless to save him the party watched in horror as their friend was beheaded and his remains raised up as spoils of war.

The remaining boar rider and swarms of grimme pressed their attack. Calais and Enzo conspired to eliminate the remaining rider before falling back to a narrow canyon climbing out of the depression.

Moments later the party joined Casper in a circle of stones part of some ancient magic. Unable to tarry, they abandoned the idea of investigating the structure. Flight was the only option remaining to them and they were not throwing that option away.



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