Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1428
Saturday March 28

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - Lady D'Errico visited the camp of Trinity company on the day of Enzo's release from captivity. As a show of solidarity the whole of Trinity and the 3rd Pike were on hand to view the near skeletal Enzo Vittorio upon release from his six months of captivity. Unable to walk under his own power Mouse moved defiantly to support his prior commander from the grips of the Inquitorious guards. With a grand huzzah the troops celebrated the return of one of their own.

Back at camp the full magnitude of Enzo's captivity manifested itself. Nearly sixty pounds lighter the fallen commander was in grievous shape. Both healer and cleric confirmed that his condition would require time and nourishment to restore. What was done over time could not be undone by magic or blessing.

Three days later Lady D'Errico returned with news of a meeting with Lord Aiden and the high commanders of The Chalice. Again showing a union of wills Trinity Company attended the meeting with all members who could be spared their normal duties. Mouse saw to their encampment in the parade grounds as Alf, Calais, and Enzo attended the meeting.

The reunion with the Monsignor brought to the surface the venom of the party. Lord Aiden brought the mater to discussion without delay understanding the tensions in the air. The leaders had been planning a quest to secure and hold The Abbey of Saint Rose. Lady D'Errico had been slated to command the mission, but Bishop Portacio had supplanted her in that task offering Celeste Rahmel in her stead. He explained that this quest would be her sole opportunity to redeem herself and regain what she had recently been stripped of. Lady D'errico flared at the change, but accepted her dismissal.

The young mage Romeo voiced his protests to the Bishop regarding the seeming injustice of placing the two in such close proximity for a quest of this duration. The Bishop responded by reinforcing the need to overcome ones weaknesses not merely run from them. "If she is to be worthy of redemption she must face what affronts her".

The matter was clearly not settled by the business of the quest was still to be resolved. Continuing the dialogue the remaining members of the quest were introduced. The ranger Silverhawk, 1/2 sister to Taenglewood would be lending her ranger skill to the mission. Sullivan, a mountain of a man would provide healing to the group.

Later that night Enzo would call upon Octavius. The meeting was brief but meaningful. Octavious introduced an associate by the name of Lilith who could be called upon should he be occupied with other duties.

Later still when things had quieted down in the chambers of Danver's hall Samuel Thinne came to call upon Alf. Extending his support in the coming quest in exchange for knowledge of the findings therein.

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Celeste Rahmel - "I will be worthy of the trust you have bestowed upon me. I do not look lightly upon the pledge of fealty proffered by one of your noble status Lord Hellebore. You do me honor, though I do not deserve it."

Enzo. I hope, in time, you will come to understand the depth of my conviction. My actions and my desires have caused you a great harm. I had hoped my time in solitude would have better prepared me to look upon you once more with strength of character. Having seen the Monsignor's hand in your mistreatment. Your unkind captivity bears on me with the heat of a thousand suns. I hope that time and forgiveness allows me to make good on the ill I have caused you.


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