French Level 1
    Unité 13: Leçon 1g
    Dans La Maison:
    La Chambre
    Our last room is "La Chambre" which happens to be "ma chambre!" I haven't cleaned it for a while so get ready, it's a little scary!

    Track 35

    Hey, I warned you it was scary!

    There you go! You are now officially finished "avec la tour de la maison!" However, you haven't finished studying "La Maison" because Mlle. "D" has prepared a sweet little assignment for you. As soon as you are finished with the assignment and you're ready to move on, my best friend, Gille will be coming to guide you through the next leçon as you take a vocabulary tour of the village!

Introduction / Leçon 1a / Leçon 1b / Leçon 1c / Leçon 1d / Leçon 1e / Leçon 1f / Leçon 1g /
Leçon 2a / Leçon 2b / Leçon 3a / Leçon 3b / Leçon 4 / Leçon 5a / Leçon 5b / Leçon 5c /