French Level 1
    Unit 14: Leçon 1
    Des Couleurs
    Bonjour! We are now about to begin our very last Unité in this course! Félicitations! (Congratulations!)

    As the title clearly states, in our first leçon you will be learning about some colors. Why only some? Because it would take too long to learn them all. Besides, I don't even know all of them (I bet you don't know every color in English either!) Anyway, on with the leçon!

    Below you will see four tables. Each table contains two or more colors. Each of these colors have been divided into two parts as masculine (m.) and feminine (f.) (You have already learned in Unité 12 that to make a word feminine we will usually add the letter "e" to the end of it. Most, color words follow this rule.) The color words are grouped according to certain grammatical elements. These elements are explained under each table. Here are some quick instructions to help you to use the following tables:

      First: Read the reason under each graph which explains why these words are grouped together.

      Second: Listen CAREFULLY to the pronounciation for each word:

      Third: Repeat step one.

      Fourth: Repeat step two and repeat the words.

    Ready? Bon! Voilà mes jolies graphes! Parlons and lisons (let's read) les mots (words) ensembles (together):

Quelques couleurs importants:

Track 50 (includes vocab. for all color tables below)
bleu (m.)
bleue (f.)
noir (m.)
noire (f.)
Add an "e" to make the masculine words to make feminine forms. Please note that the masculine and feminine forms of these words sound exactly the same.

gris (m.)
grise (f.)
vert (m.)
verte (f.)
Add an "e" to the masculine words to make feminine ones. Note that the masculine forms of these words end with consonants and we don't pronounce them, but when the "e" is added to make the feminine form, we do say the consonants.

blanc (m.)
blanche (f.)
violet (m.)
violette (f.)
This table contains some really STRANGE words! Not only do we add an "e" to the masculine words to make them become feminine, we add other letters too, such as "he" to "blanc" to make "blanche" AND a second "t" and an "e" to "violet" to make the feminine word, "violette". Just so you know, usually, when a masculine adjective, or describing word (such as a color) ends with "t", we will usually add another "t" BEFORE we add the letter "e". There really is no reason for making this extra addition except to make it "look prettier". As for the "he" added after the "c" as in the word "blanche"? This is a mystery!

beige (m.) beige (f.)
jaune (m.) jaune (f.)
marron (m.) marron (f.)
orange (m.) orange (f.)
rose (m.) rose (f.)
rouge (m.) rouge (f.)
This table is the easiest one to understand (we save the best for last!) since both the masculine and feminine forms of these words look and sound EXACTLY the same!

    You may now move on to the next leçon where you will be meeting a new and very important member of our teaching team! Adieu!

Introduction / Leçon 1 / Leçon 2a / Leçon 2b / Leçon 2c / Leçon 3 / Leçon 4 / Interlude 4.1 / Leçon 5