Photo Gallery
At the moment, I just have some photos of terminals I own, mostly
from the net. At some point I'll replace these with photos of my
actual gear taken in more flattering lighting. Until then, I've got
these as a placeholder. Not all of the items depicted here are in my
collection and not all of the items in my collection are depicted.
Beehive Medical Electronics
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
- Valuator (Dials Box)
- Digitizing Tablet, Controllers and Pucks
- Whizzard 1645
I acquired some Tektronix graphics terminals: a 4010 model
and a 4014 model. If you are familiar with the original Battlestar
Galactica TV show, then you have seen these terminals in action
rendering green vector graphics displays of the various ships within
the show.
My Terminals
4010 From the Net
4014 From the Net
Another Tektronix storage scope display terminal.
Teletype Corporation
Texas Instruments
- W1643 Party Line Terminal