July 7th

Thursday, July 7, 2005 “Status -- Our BIG Trip”


"Our previous records was 5 states in one day – Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia -- but yesterday was a 6 state day – New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire. That night we ate seafood in New Hampshire but returned a mile to our hotel in Vermont (we were on the border).


Vermont was such a beautiful place. Pictures attached.


We visited a Maple Syrup Farm and Joseph Smith’s birthplace.


Today we turned our wagon westward. We have reached as far East as we are going to go . . . and it was pretty fer and we have 'seen as much of the Elephant as we are going to see' this trip . . . but on the rebound today we saw the Peter Whitmer Farm, the Grandin Press, and the Erie Canal.


Tomorrow brings more excitement in Palmyra . But best of all, we ate Chinese tonight . . . thank you, thank you, thank you! ;-)


We are all Ok here and hoping you are the same.


Sharon Vermont, at the birthplace of Joseph Smith.  A covered bridge and scenery near Sugar Bush Farm. 




 NEXT:  On to the next message of the trip . . .  

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