The Dragon!

The Dragon!

The Dragon!

Near the end of the cave, which narrowed and winnowed down to a sharp point, Pat and Jon stand on part of the cave's fallen 'ceiling tile'. They smile and laugh and explore, unaware of the baleful gaze of the master of the lair. No wonder 'Quad Sheets' are scarce for this place, for truly: Here there be Dragons!

The boys and I scurry outside to meet Grandpa and eat a wholesome late lunch . . . Mmm . . . Twinkies and Vienna Sausages . . . mighty good! ;-).

But the Dragon remains. The fiery cliffs attest to his hot breath, now calmed in the late Autumn coolness. The jumbled rocks give testimony of his strength. His stealth at avoiding our direct gaze gives proof of his cunning . . . but the camera never lies.

Next: The Finale . . .

Note: The dragon image mixed in here, with PhotoShop, was borrowed from a site that unfortunately is no longer active.

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The images, articles, and concepts of this page are copyrighted by P.S. Neeley -- copyright 1997