APRIL 1945
21 April 45
Mission # 82
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Camlet # 2
Target: Oita Airfield 90.33-308
Participating Units: 73rd BW
Number of A/C Airborne: 30
% A/C Bombing Primary: 56% (17 primary, 11 Kagoshima City
target of opportunity and 1 other target)
Time over primary: 210755K - 210756K
Altitude of attack: 14,300 - 15,300
Weather over target: o/10 - 1/10 some haze
Total A/C lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results: strike photos show excellent
bomb patterns with 2 twin engine destroyed, 11 single engine prob-
ably destroyed and many hits in hangars and administration build-
ings. One aircraft non-effective. AA nil over Oita, heavy, meager and
accurate over Kagoshima City---24 attacks. Six enemy aircraft were
damaged with none destroyed or probably destroyed. Average bomb
load 10,165 lbs. Average gas reserve 801 gallons.
Mission # 83
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Famish # 4
Target: Kanoya East A/F 90.38-2516
Participating Units: 313th Bombardment Wing
Number A/C Airborne: 33
% A/C Bombing Primary: 81.8% (27 Primary, 0 Secondary
and 4 Opportunity)
Time over Primary: 210809K - 210901K
Altitude of Attack: 16,200 - 17,350
Weather over Target: 0/10 - 2/10
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results--several bomb patterns
on field with concentration in hangar area. One aircraft damaged.
Two aircraft non-effective. Enemy fighter opposition weak-----------
10 attacks. AA heavy, meager to moderate and inaccurate.
Average bomb load 13,245 lbs. Average gas reserve 704 gallons.
Mission # 84
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Checkbook # 4
Target: Kanoya A/F 90.38-1378
Participating Units: 314th Bombardment Wing
Number A/C Airborne: 33
% A/C Bombing Primary: 84% (30 Primary and 1 Opportunity)
Time over Primary: 210804K - 210835K
Altitude of Attack: 16,000 - 17,800
Weather over Target: 0/10 - heavy haze
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results of Missions 75, 78, 84
include sixteen small buildings destroyed. Four of these located
in the hangar and shop area immediately northeast of the hangars.
The rest are located just north of the shop and hangar area. The
field is probably operational. Two aircraft non-effective. Enemy air
opposition slight------5 attacks. AA heavy, meager to moderate,
inaccurate to accurate. Average bomb load 9,080 lbs. Average
gas reserve 1107 gallons.
Mission # 85
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Blowzy # 1
Target: Usa Airfield 90.33-1307
Participating Units: 73rd Bombardment Wing
Number A/C Airborne: 30
% A/C Bombing Primary: 96.7% (29 A/C)
Time over Primary: 210911K - 210922K
Altitude of Attack: 14,500 - 15,800
Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 1/10 with haze
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results---all six hangars damaged,
two completely gutted. Ten single engine destroyed, five single
engine probably destroyed and eight twin engine damaged. One
aircraft non-effective. Enemy air opposition nil. AA nil. Average
bomb load 10,165 lbs. Average gas reserve 716 gallons.
Mission # 86
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Barranca # 3
Target: Kokubu A/F 90.38-2520
Participating Units: 313th bombardment Wing
Number of A/C Airborne: 35
% A/C Bombing Primary: 97.1% (34 A/C)
Time Over Primary: 210920K - 210953K
Altitude of Attack: 12,000 - 14,000
Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 3/10
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results: Damage slight, several
hits in service apron area and one aircraft damaged. One aircraft
non-effective. Enemy air opposition slight-----17 attacks. AA heavy,
meager to moderate, inaccurate to accurate. Average bomb load
12,885 lbs. Average gas reserve 835 gallons.
Mission # 87
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Aeroscope # 1
Target: Kushira A/F 90.38-2524
Participating Units: 314th Bombardment Wing
Number of A/C Airborne: 31
% A/C Bombing Primary: 90% (28 A/C)
Time Over Primary: 210959K - 211007K
Altitude of Attack: 17,400 - 17,675
Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 3/10
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results---no photography with
crews reporting unobserved to excellent. Enemy air opposition
weak-----3 attacks. AA heavy. meager, inaccurate. Two aircraft
non-effective. Average bomb load 9,492 lbs. Average gas reserve
1120 gallons.
Mission # 88
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Aghast # 3
Target: Tachiarai A/F 90.35-1236
Participating Units: 73rd Bombardment Wing
Number of A/C Airborne: 21
% A/C Bombing Primary: 81% (17 Primary and 1 Opportunity)
Time Over Primary: 211003K - 211004K
Altitude of Attack: 18,500 - 19,200
Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 0/10 - haze
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results poor---bomb patterns scat-
tered. One twin engine and one single engine damaged. Majority
of bombs fell in open area south of airfield. Three aircraft non-effec-
tive. Enemy air opposition weak-----5 attacks. Enemy aircraft prob-
ably destroyed one, damaged one and none destroyed. AA heavy,
meager to moderate and inaccurate. Average bomb load 10,165 lbs.
Average gas reserve 555 gallons.
Mission # 89
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Bullish # 3
Target: Izumi A/F 90.37.2512
Participating Units: 313th Bombardment Wing
Number A/C Airborne: 16
% A/C Bombing Primary: 81.1% (13 Primary and 3 Opportunity)
Time Over Primary: 210814K - 210949K
Altitude of Attack: 14,100 - 14,500
Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 3/10
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results---good concentration of
hits centered on hangar area and string of bursts across airfield.
Enemy fighter opposition moderate----60 attacks. Enemy aircraft
destroyed one, probably destroyed three and five damaged. AA
heavy, meager to moderate, inaccurate to accurate. Average
bomb load 13, 643 lbs. Average gas reserve 744 gallons.
Mission # 90
Date: 21 April 1945
Code Name: Bushing # 3
Target: Nittagahara A/F 90.33-2531
Participating Units: 314th Bombardment Wing
Number A/C Airborne: 23
% A/C Bombing Primary: 95.5% (22 A/C)
Time Over Primary: 210925K - 210934K
Altitude of Attack: 15,000 - 16,500
Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 3/10
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Bombing results for Missions 74, 81 and
90 include four barracks-type buildings destroyed. Four other
buildings at the edge of the target northeast of hangars were
also destroyed. There are about six bomb craters in the landing
strip on south side of the field. Field still operational. One aircraft
non-effective. Enemy air opposition weak----2 attacks. AA nil.
Average bomb load 8,845 lbs. Average gas reserve 949 gallons.